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News reporters should avoid including irrelevant information in their stories.

Ideally, the gender of an employee should be irrelevant when considering promotions.

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Q: How do you use the word irrelevant in a sentence?
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How do you use not relevant in a sentence?

(You can also use the negative word irrelevant.)"What you said is not relevant to the issue at hand."is the same as"What you said is irrelevant to the issue at hand."

What is a sentence with the word irrelevant in it?

This sentence is not irrelevant.The evidence is irrelevant to the case at hand.You have given me all the irrelevant paperwork.

What is a good sentence using the word irrelevant?

the answer im giving you is irrelevant

How to use irrelevant in a love sentence?

I am in love with him and it is irrelevant what other people think.

How can the word irrelevant be put into a sentence?

Asking a blind man what he saw would be an irrelevant question.

How do you use a sentence with the word fact?

That fact is irrelevant in this case! Your opinion is not a fact. The fact of the matter remains undiscovered.

How do you use irrelevance in a sentence?

Irrelevant means that it does not pertain to what you could be asking about. Example Sentence: Cookies are irrelevant to a tire salesman.Here is a few sentences with irrelevant in them;The comment she made was irrelevant to me.The smirk on his face was irrelevant.The information was irrelevant to the homework assignment.

What is a sentence using irrelevant?

The judge ruled that the defendants former drug use was irrelevant to his trial for embezzlement from his employer.

How do you use the word scrib in a sentence?

There is no such English word as scrib. The term is used as an acronym (Steel Can Recycling Information Bureau) and has a number of irrelevant and inconsistent urban slang meanings.

How do you use the word someone in a sentence?

You can use the word "someone" in a sentence to refer to an unspecified person. For example, "Someone knocked on the door," implies that a person, whose identity is unknown or irrelevant, knocked on the door.

Can you use the word philistine in a sentence?

I find it disappointing that some consider classic literature to be outdated and irrelevant, dismissing it as philistine.

How do you use documentary in a sentence?

its completely irrelevant,a talented documentary filmmaker tells me.