The combination preposition "such as" is usually synonymous with "for example" or "like" (alike) because it provides either an example or a similar item or activity.
You should avoid excessive sugary drinks such as carbonated sodas. (like sodas)
The mail-order bride scheme was a version of older arranged unions such as blind marriages and picture-bride marriages. (similar examples)
Many scientist use station models to see and identify any weather patterns and occurrence's in the weather.
Since this is an experimental group, we'll be trying out unproven methods and ideas, and your suggestions are welcome too.
how to use inexplicable in three sentence's
This is a sentence. A prisoner has to serve the sentence the judge gives him.
The medical term for armpit is "axilla". I'm not sure if that answers what you were trying to ask or not.
I'm not familiar with that term.
Someone uses the word 'term' in a sentence as a synonym for word. For example, Shogun is a term for a military commander of Japan.
The Sphynx is an Egytian monument.
Example sentence - His physical features were difficult to explain.
I'm here to study for the upcoming mid-term exams.
well you just say it
"His loyalty is a testament to his good faith and friendship." This is a sentence that uses the term "testament" properly.
working class hero's is a band.