

Best Answer

Scuba Divers use a Sonar to find treasure or a hidden ship.

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Q: How do you use sonar in a sentence?
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How do use sonar in a sentence?

We can use sonar to map the lake's floor.

Use the word sonar in a complete sentence?

Sonar is short for sound navigation and ranging.

What is a sentence for sonar?

In the mountains i detect a rock with my SONAR.

Can you give me a sentence using the word sonar?

Sonar is an acronym.

What does the spanish word Soniar mean in English?

It is not soniar it is sonar with a (~) on top of the nAnt the meaning is;Answer:To sleep.Same as duermen. So if you were to use it in a sentence you can use sonar or duermen. Well it depends on the verbs.

Does the Arctic fox use sonar?

No, the Arctic fox does not use sonar. It is not equipped with sonar.

What Is A Good Sentence For Sonar?

If you go under water, you might see a sonar

What is good sentence for sonar?

If you go under water, you might see a sonar

What sonar is used in a sentence?


Do boats use sonar?

Do boats use sonar. Yes they do.

How do dolphins hear underwater?

they use SONAR. :)

Can you give me a sentence with the word in it sonar?

A submarine uses sonar, like a bat uses echolocation to see.