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The boutique has a large selection of scarves.

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Q: How do you use scarves in a sentence?
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How do you put the word scarves in a sentence?

There are 10 scarves in that shop.

What is a sentence for scarves?

She wore a collection of colorful scarves around her neck to keep warm in the cold weather.

What is a sentence for the word scarf?

The plural of scarf is scarves.Two example sentences with scarves in them are:He couldn't decide which of the two scarves to buy.People often wear scarves in cold weathers.

Can you give me a sentence using the word scarve?

Scarf is a singular noun for a length of fabric usually worn around the head, the neck, or waist. The plural of the noun, scarf is scarves. Example sentence: She had a large selection of scarves to match any outfit.

What kind of fabric do they use on lightweight scarves?


Which of THESE scarves is the one Mom said she wanted is this interrogative?

No, the word THESE is functioning as an adjective(describing the noun 'scarves') not a pronoun. The sentence is an interrogative sentence (a question).The pronoun 'these' is a demonstrative pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence indicating near or far in place or time.Example: Which of these is the scarf Mom said she wanted.The pronoun WHICH is an interrogative pronoun, a word that introduces an interrogative sentence (a question).

What are scarves with no end called?

Infinity scarves

How is the word scarves divided?

"Scarves" has 1 syllable.

What are the five steps to drape window scarves?

To drape a window scarf you first want to cover up the ugly curtain rod. Then you want to use the drapes to frame the window. Use scarf hooks to create depth to your window. You can then layer your scarves. By folding the scarf you can then add other scarves for a more colorful and dynamic appearance.

What type of pronoun appears are all capital letters Which of THESE scarves is the one Mom said she wanted?

The pronoun "THESE" is a demonstrative pronoun that appears in all capital letters in the sentence "Which of THESE scarves is the one Mom said she wanted?" Demonstrative pronouns are used to point to specific items or people.

Does Selena Gomez love scarves?

yes she does love scarves

What is the plural for scarves?

Scarves is the plural. The singular form is Scarf.