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Every year around this time, I long for a low pressure system to bring some rain into the region.

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Q: How do you use low pressure in a sentence?
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Use high pressure in a sentence?

high pressure is the opposite of low pressure which means that it has more of a use of pressure so when you see for example: my pot was on low pressure you would say, my pot is on high pressure. Ta Da it is the most awesome sentence.

How do you use syncope in a sentence?

Syncope means loss of consciousness. An example of a sentence using it: The elderly lady with low blood pressure stood up too quickly and experienced an episode of syncope.

How can you use not withstanding in a sentence?

she was not withstanding the pressure

How do you use the word pressure in a sentence?

The doctor had to apply pressure so that the patient's wound would stop bleeding. The pressure to do well on the upcoming test was almost more than she could bear. The water pressure in my city was low yesterday.

What will you use to determine the high and low pressure?

a brammeter

Where you will use the transfer pump and the booster pump?

transfer pupm is use in that area where systems need more pressure(low to high) and booster pump is use in that area where system need low pressure.

Why use healthy ingredients?

so you don't have high blood pressure or low blood pressure

How you can use the word air pressure in a sentence?

The air pressure drops as you climb to higher elevations in the mountains.

What is the pressure on a 1997 ford expedition air conditioner low pressure side?

40-45psi on low i would use highside put it on 250

How can you use pressure in a sentence?

"A newspaper is a circulating library with high blood pressure" (Arthur Baer, journalist)

How do we depyrogenate rubber plugs?

Use a low pressure plasma process

What is a sentence for the term turgor pressure?

Turgor pressure is the pressure inside a plant cell that keeps it firm and rigid, like a fully inflated balloon.