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It's the past tense for irrigate.

He irrigated the field with sprinkler pipes which he moved each day.

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Q: How do you use irrigated in a sentence?
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What is a sentence for the word irrigated?

We drive through occasional and incredibly lush areas of irrigated farmland and fruit orchards. A major project in the basin is aiming to irrigate 25,000 hectares of land for smallholder farming. All eye injuries must be irrigated thoroughly then treated at the Medical Center or local hospital.

How do you use the word irrigation in a sentence?

The use of irrigation allows farms to operate in normally dry areas.Dentists use irrigation and suction to keep a clear view when working on teeth.

How do you use olmec in a sentence?

The Olmec civilization is known for its large stone heads found in present-day Mexico.

Is the sentence Most plants grow best when they are irrigated with fresh water a simple sentence or complex sentencw?

You have a complex sentence. Best is the last word of a complete sentence. When is an adverb. It is followed by the word They. The word They starts a complete sentence. Thus, the word when makes the second sentence subordinate to the first sentence. That makes it complex.

What is an antonym for irrigated?

A antonym for irrigated is sober. I got it off of a website named

How much cultivated land is irrigated in palampur?

all the cultivated, 200 hectares of land is irrigated in palampur

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What is irrigated forest?

Your pubic bush

Can you tell the cause and effect of we irrigated so the corn grew tall?

cause: the corn irrigated effect: corn grew tall

How did Mesopatima use the land?

They irrigated it through canals from the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers for intensive farming of grains which supported a burgeoning population.

Choose the clincher sentence from this selection.Egyptians were highly skilled at many tasks?

Irrigated land meant more food and land for cattle to graze.