Product creation can proceed via gradualism.
how to use inexplicable in three sentence's
This is a sentence. A prisoner has to serve the sentence the judge gives him.
If you said "use coincidence in a sentence" you already know how to use it in a sentence and are probably getting examples. if you said" how do you use coincidence in a sentence" you most-likely don't know the definition of it.
This sentence is about nothing.
The creation of Frankenstein's monster was detrimental to the scientist's well-being.
"Leonardo Da Vinci made this beautiful creation." said the art museum guide.
The current health care bill is counterproductive to job creation.
Hinduism is the divine history, the true path of God, and the creation of the earth.
The artist put her heart and soul into the creation of a stunning masterpiece.
i have made a creation in chemistry to produce carbon .
by ms amber geyer
The creation of fire was considered mankinds' biggest achievement. She received an achievement award for completing the course.
I need you to make a creation for me by next month.
The artist's creation was a masterpiece that captured the essence of beauty and emotion.
Her artistic creation came alive on the canvas with brushes and paint.
One way to use "profane" as a verb in a sentence is: "The comedian profaned the sacred space by making inappropriate jokes during the memorial service."