how to use inexplicable in three sentence's
This is a sentence. A prisoner has to serve the sentence the judge gives him.
If you said "use coincidence in a sentence" you already know how to use it in a sentence and are probably getting examples. if you said" how do you use coincidence in a sentence" you most-likely don't know the definition of it.
This sentence is about nothing.
you just used it in a sentence
After the caterpillar spun its cocoon, it transformed into a butterfly.
The cocoon in the tree fell on the ground.
caterpillers make cocoons
A caterpelliar crawls out of a cocoon when it is ready.
Silk comes from the cocoon spun by the silk work. The cocoon is unwound and the silk is then processed for use by humans.
Peter sat by the bush again that day, observing the cocoon, so he would watch the caterpillar transform itself into a butterfly as it emerged.
(Filament is a thread or thin wire.)Is the lamp unplugged or is the filament broken in the bulb?A silkworm's cocoon is made from a thin filament which can be twisted into thread.
a cocoon is the best answer
The prefix for cocoon is co.
If The Cocoon Falls Down