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The first word of a sentence must start with a capital letter. There are millions of ways to start a sentence!

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Q: How do you open a sentence?
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What is a number called that when substituted into an open sentence it makes the sentence true?

A open sentence is an equation with one or more variables is an open sentence.

What is a value that satisfies an open sentence called?

A value that satisfies an open sentence is called a solution or a root of the open sentence.

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Another type of an open sentence

What part of speech is open in the sentence tell Maxwell to open the door?

"Open" is a verb in the sentence, "Tell Maxwell to open the door."

How to make an indirect sentence?

He asked her to open the door.(indirect sentence) He asked her:"Please, open the door" (direct sentence)

What is the difference between a open sentence and an expression?

An expression has no equal sign but an open sentence does Ex:2+4=6 open sentence Ex:2x5 Expression

An open sentence that contains the symbol greater than?

An open sentence that contains the symbol greater than? Ans: y2 + 5y > 12 ( y is real) is one such open sentence.

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What is a open number sentence?

An open number sentence is a sentence which contains a variable. A variable is a unknown number but replaced with a letter and can be on either side of an equals sign.

How do you solve open senteces?

A sentence - whether open or not - cannot be solved.

Can you give me the sentence using the word open?

Please open the gates.

Put you and me in a sentence?

The present is for you and me to open.