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The only way to minimize random error is to repeat the experiment more times to get a better average. This means your result is accurate but not percise

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Q: How do you minimize random error?
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Can you eliminate indeterminate errors in your experiment?

No, they cannot be eliminated. They can be greatly minimized to reduce errors though.Determinate errorshave a definite direction and magnitude and have an assignable cause (their cause can be determined). Determinate error is also called systematic error. Determinate error can (theoretically) be eliminated.Indeterminate errorsarise from uncertainties in a measurement as discussed above. Indeterminate error is also called random error, or noise. Indeterminate error can be minimized but cannot be eliminated.SOURCE:

What does random mean in science terms?

random in science terms means random duhhh. :) random is random in every language or subjects

What is the part of speech of random?

"Random" is an adjective.

What is the difference between random sampling and non random sampling?


What is it called when a scientist makes a mistake and does the experiment again?

Trial and error is when someone tries something and it doesn't work (the error) so they try again (a new trial) and again until they get the experiment right or get the results they want.Scientists usually think through all possible options, to minimize error. If the results don't come up even with any way of checking, then they know something is wrong. It is highly unlikely, and usually doesn't happen. The more important the experiment, the more time the scientist will spend calculating, and recalculating the possible ways the experiment can occur, or have problems.

Related questions

Can random error be minimized?

The only way to minimize random error is to repeat the experiment more times to get a better average. This means your result is accurate but not percise

What is the difference between a bias and a random error?

Bias is systematic error. Random error is not.

What is random error?

Random error is the name given to unforeseen mistakes that occur under secure conditions for various scientific and non-scientific procedures. For instance a mechanical instrument used weighing objects that was affected by unforeseen conditions, such as weather, and even though all necessary pre-cautions were taken, the machine may have given the observer an off the mark weight. Perhaps the observers interpretation of the scale was improper, thus resulting in small degrees of error between that of the actual weight and that of which is observed. This is why scientist conduct their experiments dozens upon hundreds of times, taking multiple measurements and averaging them, to try to minimize random error. Random error is the opposite of Systemic error. The most important thing to remember to understanding what random error is, is that as the name implies it's unpredictable (random).

What always affects measurement error in a experiment?

Factors such as instrument precision, human error, environmental conditions, and random variations in the system can all contribute to measurement error in an experiment. It is important to account for these factors and take measures to minimize their impact in order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected.

What is a sentence with the word minimize?

We should minimize our use of plastic to reduce environmental harm.

How do you overcome or reduce the problem of random error and systematic error while doing an experiment?

how to reduce the problem of random error and systematic error while doing an experiment

Can increasing sample size reduce random error?

Random error and sample size have an inverse relationship...As sample size INCREASES random error DECREASES. There's a good explanation at the related link.

What is a stochastic error term?

A stochastic error indicates an error that is random between measurements. Stochastics typically occur through the sum of many random errors.

What are the types of random error?

Random errors can be parallax and from changes in the environment.

Is the random error in a regression equation the predicted error?

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Is random error a form of bias?

No, its not.

What is unsystematic error as described in observation assessments?

Unsystematic error, also known as random error, refers to chance variations in measurement that are unpredictable and uncontrollable. This type of error often results from factors such as human error, equipment limitations, or environmental conditions, leading to inconsistencies in data measurements. To minimize unsystematic error in observation assessments, it is important to standardize procedures, use quality equipment, and take multiple measurements to account for variability.