You explain to them how evolution is thought to work, and what, based on that, we should expect to find in Biology, genetics and palaeontology. Then you allow them to see what we actually do find in biology, genetics and palaeontology. If they're able to understand what has been explained to them and shown to them, they will subsequently accept evolutionary theory (ie. common descent and natural selection) as the best (and indeed only available) explanation.
I believe that the word you are looking for is "adaptation". ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Correct
I do not ' believe ' in evolution, but I am convinced by the evidence.
When the evolutionary theory was first proposed, people didn't believe it. Often, religion and evolution contradict themselves and even today, there are many people who favor creationism over evolution.
I believe that yes you can alter human evolution not in the sense that you can change our very exsistence but in the sense that you could"ve postponed it. Such as the way we and other people interbreed some of the evolution of homo sapiens definitley formed that way but they were also already in exsistence and in competition with neanderthals. So yes I say you can alter it but no to that much of an extent.
The Darwinian model of evolution by natural selection has not been disproved.
It is not forbidden by Catholicism to believe in evolution. The reason many people who believe in a god do not believe in evolution is that evolution's adversary, Intelligent Design, makes far more sense to one who believes in God that anyone who does not, although you can believe in intelligent design and not believe in God.
No one has to believe in evolution. Evolution vs creation doesn't really affect our everyday lives that much. We're still ourselves, whether we were created or evolved. It'd be helpful to believe in evolution if you're a scientist in biology and/or archaeology. Some jobs wouldn't make much sense from a creationist perspective.
yes they did believe in evolution because life begins million years ago
Some people believe that evolution goes against their religion and choose not to accept the scientific notion.
The present diversity of life on Earth came about by means of evolution.
Sir Arthur Keith who believes in evolution said, "Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it ONLY because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable."
The average layman to believe in evolution averages on 60% (about 20% in America). For the expertsin the the field, all across the world, the average is 99.99%.
God is the creator of the universe. People who believe in evolution believe that God created things and allowed them to evolve.
This question has no known answer. The existence of God cannot be proved. You either believe in God or you don't. However, it's much easier to show the existence of evolution. So, many people would feel that evolution is the answer. It's likely that a lot of people who believe in God also believe in evolution. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive. However, there will also be a body of people who feel everything was created by God.
why are there humans? evolution. or, in some cases, people believe it's god who made us. do u believe it i possible that vampires have evolved from evolution 2?
You can believe evolution was caused by God and he controls it.
In religion evolution typically means how people were created, and how they have developed and changed since they were created. Some people do not believe in evolution because it disagrees with the bible, which says God made man.