If you have stronger soap, your bubbles will last longer.
you can make a glow stick last longer by putting it in hot water. the heat makes the atoms inside move around faster which keeps the glow glow longer and brighter
It depends if you mean will last longer on your lips or lasts longer full stop. But the Liquid will last longer on your lips if you put a gloss on top.
Put less stress on it. I also heard about something with cola and acid, but i doubt that's true.
it allows for quicker erections that last longer...much longer ;)
If you have stronger soap, your bubbles will last longer.
It has a chance of making you last longer in life terms depending if the other person has stds or not. if so then it does make you last longer.
walnuts, oysters
Yes it can last longer
Not completely, no. They do, however, make erections last longer so can be popular from men who suffer from premature ejaculation. Testicle cuffs have the same effect, as well as holding the scrotum away from the body, which can change and intensify the feeling of orgasm.
If you want any batteries to last longer then put the batteries in your fridge and that helps them to last longer!!
To make potions last longer, you add redstone to them.
Milk is pasteurized which reduces the microbial load. That makes it last longer.
sleep longer or try to stay asleep longer
Ignore entirely the last answer. You don't. You have to wait it off.
Unplug it