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Q: How do you check for mold in your house?
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There is mold along the grout in your bathtub Do you need to call an expert to your house?

You could remove the mold yourself, but you might want to check any safety hazards the mold has for your health. But there are experts who will do it for you for a cost.

Who inspects a house for mold?

A certified mold inspector can inspect and remediate a home.

Can you give an example sentence using mold?

We found mold stuck in the crack of the house.

How do I get a free mold test?

How do I get a free mold test? I think my aunt's house has stachybotrys.

How do you treat mold in a house?

You can kill mold with bleach. You should wear a mask so the mold spores don't get into your nose or mouth.

What can you do if the landlord knew about a mold problem and did not tell you when you rented this house in Ohio?

Check with the State attorney General's office. Those state workers can advise you of who to contact.

Do you have to hire someone to get rid of house mold?

No, you do not need to hire someone to get rid of house mold if you are capable of doing some remodeling on your own. If the mold is in your walls or floor they will have to be replaced. If the mold is not bad, you could soak the area in bleach and scrub the mold off. In most cases the area needs to be completely replaced.

Why do people have to move out of their house when it gets moldy?

People can get sick from mold spores. Mold can actually kill you.

Can mold from food that spread as a dust in the house be dangerous?

Mold spores often cause an allergic reaction.

I am worried that my house may be having mold issues, what is a good mold detection company?

I recommend using Dryout, they are great and have really quick service. You might try using a do it yourself mold check kit first to save a little money on an inspection. Well checking your home for mold yourself with a culture kit never gives you any information on whether you have mold or not. Those kits will always grow mold as mold is in our air. A professional will evalutate with a inspection whether you have mold growing in your home. FOR A PROFESSIONAL WITH 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN MOLD AND AIR QUALITY

What can you do to make it less likely that your home will develop common house mold?

Mold requires moisture, food and air. Since many building materials that a makes up a house is organic matter that is food for mold, the easiest way to minimize mold growth is to minimize moisture indoors.

Can you insure a house with mold?

Yes, but the premiums will be higher.