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you need to be very patient, and calm for this job. you also need to be able to work with your hands. you need to be able to work with others or a partner. And most importantly you need to be able to evaluate evidence and come up with a good solution to the mystery.

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Q: How do you advance in being a forensic scientist?
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What is it like being a forensic scientist?

* Steps 1. Step One Decide if you would like being a forensic scientist or a science technician. * Being a forensic scientist is pretty stressful. * A bad thing about being a forensic scientist is that you have to work with very dangerous chemicals. * The real challenge of being a forensic scientist is testifying in the courtroom as an expert witness.

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Bad things about being a forensic scientist?

its bad to be a forensic scientist because you have to investergate different crimes and see dead bodys

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A Forensic Scientist and A Csi Forensic scientist are the same there is no change in what you do. The only change is where you work.

What are disadvantages of being a forensic scientist?

You work on the dead bodys to analyze them.

What are the disadvantage of being a forensic scientist?

you could be killed in the line of work

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you could get harmed by some chemicalsss

Disadavantages of being a forensic scientist?

the disadvantages of being a foesic scientist is that you get to see peopel naked!!! YEA I LIKE MEN!! IM GAY

Is being a forensic scientist dangerous?

if u get in contact with chemicals the chemicals can be dangerous

Who is a forensic scientist?

A forensic scientist is someone that study's blood and blood spatters

What is a daily routine for a forensic scientist?

Watcg NCIS and abby is the forensic scientist

Who studies Forensic Science?

A Forensic Scientist.