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Everyday, the weather or temperature changes.

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The temperature is very cold in here

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Q: How do use the word temperature in a sentence?
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How do you write a sentence with the word temperature?

You look up what temperature means in a dictionary or on the web. When you understand this you think of how you would use the word in a conversation and write this down. What you have written down will be your sentence

How do you use the word thermometer in a sentence?

When I got sick, I had to take my temperature using a thermometer.

How do you use the word calclate in a sentence?

Calculate the sums on the board.We calculate that the temperature will rise.

How do you use the word Liquefy in a sentence?

You can liquefy metal by heating it to a high enough temperature.

How would use fusible word in a sentence?

Fusible metal plugs,which melted at known temperature

Use the word kelvin in a sentence?

The temperature outside is currently 20 degrees Kelvin.

How do you use the word shudder in a sentence?

you use it as an action as in: i shuddered from the freezing temperature in the room. or in a question: did you just shudder when i touched you?

Do you capitalize temperature in a sentence?

No, the word "temperature" is not typically capitalized in a sentence unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title.

How do you use the word regulates in a sentence?

The thermostat regulates the temperature in the home.

How would you use the word thermograph in a sentence?

The thermograph recorded the fluctuations in temperature throughout the day.

How do you use the word notches ion a sentence?

Every hour the temperature notches up another degree

Use the word severe in a sentence?

Whipping is a severe punishment. The weather is severe, the temperature is below zero.