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people use hydroelectric energy to power almost anything from cars to ur hair dryier . But it is mostly used to power houses. basically people use it for electricity

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Q: How do people use hydroelectric energy?
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Related questions

How do people use hydroelectricity?

People can use hydroelectric energy for almost anything. People use it for their cars, and some for things such as hairdryers, People tend to use it for electricity.

What is hydroelectric energy or hydroelectric power?

hydroelectric energy is energy that comes from water

Where is the energy of hydroelectric energy practical?

This is a really clever questionWe can use hydroelectric energy in rivers oceans etc..But you can't use them at small lakes because there will be no energy or power in it because it is even small.

How are tidal geberators different from hydroelectric plants?

Hydroelectric plants use energy from moving water

Where is the production of hydroelectric energy?

This is a really clever questionWe can use hydroelectric energy in rivers oceans etc..But you can't use them at small lakes because there will be no energy or power in it because it is even small.

How do you use hydroelectric energy in a sentence?

The power to run early grain mills came from hydroelectric energy provided through water wheels.

Where is production of hydroelectric energy practical?

This is a really clever questionWe can use hydroelectric energy in rivers oceans etc..But you can't use them at small lakes because there will be no energy or power in it because it is even small.

What are the waste by products of hydroelectric energy?

Hydroelectric power produces almost no waste.

The use of hydroelectric energy is to our advantage because it does not lead to what?


How is hydroelectric energy stored for later use?

a capacitor bank

What two forms of energy does Iceland use?

Hydroelectric and geothermal

Why did people built the Hoover Dam?

To make hydroelectric energy.