The role of Victorian era technology and science in Dracula was to enhance production.
If a person had small eyes they were taken to court, accused of stealing. Sorry i can't be much help, I'm looking for more information about it myself :)
it was when the world began
yes it was
with curves, shapes and colours
The role of Victorian era technology and science in Dracula was to enhance production.
There were a number of eras that were between the Tudor era and the Victorian era. The era were in the following order after the Tudor era came Stuart era and then the Georgian era which was followed by the Victorian era.
Yes, The Victorian era was 1837-1901 and the Edwardian era was 1901-1910 Because the Victorian era is named after Queen Victoria, and the Edwardian after her son who came to the throne on her death
A Victorian-era sandwich. No, she is not a Victorian-era sandwich. She is a UNICORN!
The Victorian Era started at 1819 to 1901
The Victorian Era was a time of conflicting morality.
The only monarch in the Victorian era was Queen Victoria, which is why it is the Victorian era.
Oliver Twist is placed in the Victorian era.
how did science change in Victorian time change
The Georgian era.
Neoclassical era Romantic Era Victorian Era Modernist Era