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To use acquainted in a sentence a person could say, "How acquainted are the women with the procedure". Acquainted means to get to know or be known by someone.

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Q: How can you use acquainted in a sentence?
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Can give you a sentence acquainted?

Tito became acquainted with Jamal

What is a sentence for acquainted?

I recently became acquainted with my new coworker at the company retreat.

What is a good sentence for the word acquaint?

Here are 3 examples:She acquainted, very well, with her neighbor.Why haven't you acquainted with her yet?Don't be shy to be acquainted with him.

What is a sentence with the word acquinted?

I think you mean acquainted, which means familiar with. I am acquainted with Mrs. Jones from school.

How do you make a sentence using acquainted?

I became acquainted with my new neighbor at the community barbecue last weekend.

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How do you use the word acquainted?

To use the word "acquainted," you can say "I became acquainted with a new coworker at the office" or "We spent some time together to get acquainted with each other." It means to become familiar or to get to know someone or something.

How do you use the word 'acquaint' in a sentence?

I got acquainted with my new roommate.After eating spicy Indian food, I became well acquainted with the toilet.He quickly got acquainted with her when he realized they had a lot in common.

What is a sentence for the word acquainted?

I met some acquaintances at the market and we decided to go to a movie. The ex-convict was watched to see if his criminal acquaintances tried to contact him.

What is the prepositions of acquainted?

The preposition "with" is typically used with the verb "acquainted." For example, "I am acquainted with her."

What is a synonym for 'knew'?

Try these:was aware ofrecognizeddiscernedwas knowledgeable ofwas acquainted withwas familiar withIn a sentence ("I knew that!")I was aware of that.I recognized that.I discerned that.I was knowledgeable of that.I was acquainted with that.I was familiar with that.

What preposition goes with acquainted?

The preposition "with" typically goes with "acquainted" in expressions like "acquainted with."