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Using as few test subjects as possible

The scientist's own data

Television and magazine coverage

Peer review

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Q: How can research done by one scientist be validated?
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What is the meaning of scientist?

A scientist is the one who studies about science. A scientist is also the one who experiments things. A scientist is also one who invents things that can help in the part of science and their invention is added to the history of science. yan lang po ung alam ko... ^_^

What process is used in the scientific method to answer questions?

The scientific method is composed of a set of clear steps. One must first conduct research and come up with a question to be answered. Usually more research is done on this topic or question so that the scientist can form a hypothesis and design an experiment. The original question can be answered if the scientist can prove their hypothesis through experimentation, and a conclusion can be drawn. However, experimentation often leads to the formation of more questions.

What are the different types of research in research methodology?

research is of two types, 1-BASIC RESEARCH = it is the new work in science not done by any one before. 2-APPLIED RESEARCH = type of research already existed in practise ,purpose is just to re vice it.

How many variables may be tested legitimately in any one experiment?

I think it's very difficult to answer this question simply. Depending on the sophistication of your research model and the amount of data and the accuracy with which the research is carried out, you can test several variables simultaneously. This can be done 'legitimately', and sometimes it is too costly to run research projects that test one or two variables at a time. Some of these complex and sophisticated statistical models are used very infrequently, but it can be done.

Why do scientists repeat experiments?

Scientists repeat experiments for reliability. The experiment must be repeated for the scientist to develop a theory. One experiment does not prove your hypothesis correct; therefore, it must be done a several times.

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What planet does alien probably exist?

Probably Mars where no has been. No one can prove there are Aliens on that planet except for scientist that have done experiments, research and lots of other scientific stuff

Whom do you call a scientist?

Typically a scientist is one who has studied and has an advanced degree in a branch of science and who does research in that field.

Why do you think that many faculty will not accept Wikipedia as a credible source for a research paper?

As good as it is, there are many instances where contributions are not validated with needed authoritative references and citations. That in part is one reason.As good as it is, there are many instances where contributions are not validated with needed authoritative references and citations. That in part is one reason.As good as it is, there are many instances where contributions are not validated with needed authoritative references and citations. That in part is one reason.As good as it is, there are many instances where contributions are not validated with needed authoritative references and citations. That in part is one reason.As good as it is, there are many instances where contributions are not validated with needed authoritative references and citations. That in part is one reason.As good as it is, there are many instances where contributions are not validated with needed authoritative references and citations. That in part is one reason.

What scientist is at the center of an argument about stem cells research?

There is no one scientist in the centre of the argument about stem cell research. A few are Robert Lanza, Alberto Hayek, and Mahendra Rao.

Has any one done research on markers?

Yes ,The Crayola company has done lots of research on markers.

Do scientist believe that bigfoot exsits?

Most scientists do not believe that Bigfoot exists, as there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support its existence. Claims of Bigfoot sightings and evidence have not been successfully validated through scientific investigation.

What religion would have validated to baptized at once?

CHRISTIANITY is one of the world profound religion which has validated to baptized at once.

Where can one find recruitment listings for research scientist jobs?

Recruitment lists for research scientists can be found on many ordinary job sites, but specific websites such as New Scientist provide a large number of jobs in science and technology that allow a user to sort by the particular research area they are interested in.

Is scientist a noun?

Yes, "scientist" is a noun. It refers to a person who is trained in, or works in, one of the natural sciences.

Can a baby octopus mimic a human?

Yes, because scientist have done something and a octopus mimic the scientist exactly every single one of it's moves

What is the meaning of scientist?

A scientist is the one who studies about science. A scientist is also the one who experiments things. A scientist is also one who invents things that can help in the part of science and their invention is added to the history of science. yan lang po ung alam ko... ^_^

What process is used in the scientific method to answer questions?

The scientific method is composed of a set of clear steps. One must first conduct research and come up with a question to be answered. Usually more research is done on this topic or question so that the scientist can form a hypothesis and design an experiment. The original question can be answered if the scientist can prove their hypothesis through experimentation, and a conclusion can be drawn. However, experimentation often leads to the formation of more questions.