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.the sputum must be collected into a sterile container. Once in the laboratory, each culture type is handled differently. Bacterial culture.sputum is smeared on a microscope slide for a Gram stain. for mold or yeast, a fungal culture is done.

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Q: How are sputum cultures performed?
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Why are sputum cultures performed?

A sputum culture is done to find and identify the microorganism causing an infection of the lower respiratory. If a microorganism is found, more testing is done to determine which antibiotics will be effective in treating the infection.

How do antibiotics effect sputum cultures?

Antibiotics in the person's system may prevent microorganisms present in the sputum from growing in culture.

What are the types of sputum cultures?

Bacterial culture. Fungal culture. Viral culture

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What is sputum mug?

A sputum mug is also known as a sputum cup. It is a cup usually made of paper or thin cardboard to receive and isolate the sputum of a patient with respiratory disease.

What is the laboratory procedure for determining the pathogen present in sputum?

The laboratory procedure for determining the pathogen present in sputum involves first collecting the sputum sample from the patient. The sample is then cultured on appropriate media to allow for the growth of any present pathogens. After growth, the colonies are identified through various methods such as biochemical tests, microscopy, and molecular techniques. Antibiotic susceptibility testing can also be performed to guide treatment decisions.

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What type of testing is used to identify the organism causing an infection?

Microbiological testing, such as blood cultures, urine cultures, or sputum cultures, is used to identify the organism causing an infection. These tests help to determine the specific bacteria, virus, fungus, or parasite responsible for the infection so that appropriate treatment can be initiated.

What is a mcs test?

MCS stands for Microbial culture and sensitivity. It is a test performed under laboratory conditions on sputum or faeces to check for the detection of bacteria.

Is sputum another word for Phlegm?

Phlegm would be described as sputum only after it is expelled from the body. The word sputum literally means, that which has been spit.

What kind of sputum contains mucus and pus?

Mucopurulent sputum contains mucus and pus.