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inferring a really good gees a prediction is something you think will happen.

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Q: How are inferring and predicting not related?
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Inferring and predicting related?

Predicting and inferring both require making an observation.

How is inferring and predicting related?

Predicting: Guessing the future Inferring: Making suggestions about the future

How are inferring and predicting related?

Inferring means when you explain or interpret the things you observe. Predicting means is when you predict that something is gonna happen. It's like a 50/50 chance it will happen, your predicting it. I think they are similar because you are both explaining what is gonna happen. For Inferring you're explaining the things that you have observed and for predicting you are explaining something that you think will happen. You both have evidence to back up the problem. AND THEN YOU WILL SUCK MY COCK

What are the five skills scientist use to learn about the world?

Observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, and i think making models.

What will provide a scientists with exact info inferring predicting measuring or guessing?

Measuring is the only method that will provide exact information. Inferring, predicting, and guessing only provide approximate information.

What are the four components of science?

Observing, inferring, predicting, and scientific attitudes.

What are the examples of scientific skills?

observing, inferring, measuring, communicating, classifying, and predicting.

What 3 skills do scientists use to learn more about the world?

Observing, Inferring, Predicting.

What are different science processes describe each?


What are the skills that scientist use to know more about the earth?

observation inferring predicting making models and classifying.

How do infrences and predicting differ?

well inferring is something you think will happen and a prediction is something that you think will happen.

What is a logical interpretation of observations based on what scientists already know?

Hypothesis.An inference.Hypothesis