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Opinions regarding any field of science may indeed lead to solid scientific evidence or facts. Examples Based on the fossilized remains found at Pompeii, it may become an educated opinion that there are more fossils to be discovered. Hence the opinion may become a scientific fact if more fossils are found. To my knowledge scientific evidence generally does not derive from an uneducated opinion.

There are many scientific pieces of evidence that the pyramids in Egypt were built using advanced techniques still unknown to us. The opinion that there is a solution to the question of how the pyramids were built is supported by opinions derived from scientific observations.

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Q: How are Scientific evidence and an opinion related?
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How is your opinion and scientific evidence related?

My Answer:An opinion is an idea that may be formed from evidence!

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Scientific conclusions are based on scientific evidence.

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Good evidence that is related to a crime scene has many factors. Evidence should have scientific proof that a person or persons committed the crime. If there is scientific evidence, it can be very hard to refute the evidence.

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Empirical scientific evidence is the opposite of anecdotal evidence. Empirical scientific evidence is that evidence garnered through the use of strict "scientific method"; while anecdotal is usually based on opinion or personal, unprovable or unrepeatable experience. Example: UFO are believed to exist primarily because of anecdotal evidence rather than empirical evidence.

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Factually there is no scientific evidence that it exists. My personal opinion is that there are forces that can be manipulated.

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Scientific questions are based on observable evidence and can be tested through research and experimentation, leading to objective conclusions. Nonscientific questions are often subjective, speculative, or based on personal beliefs, and do not follow the systematic methods of the scientific process.

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The majority opinion uses lower courts' decisions on the same case as evidence

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Opinion, there's no scientific evidence that 18 year olds watching just cartoons can cause them disorders

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there is no scientific evidence that this is fact. refer to the related question below for more information

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Scientific evidence is facts or evidence that is used to prove or disprove a scientific theory. Scientific evidence appeal is when new finding or statistics are brought to light that disprove some or all of the previous evidence's findings.

What does the word anecdotally mean?

Ancedotally normally refers to evidence that is based on less scientific evidence but evidence that appears to back up the stronger scientific evidence. It adds weight to scientific evidence but is not necessarily proven.

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No. No evidence in the scientific area. Many paranormal occurrences but no scientific evidence.