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Plastic - injection mold. Metal, sheet metal presses, wood - hand carved. Glass - tubes as heated and altered in a glass blowing method.

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Q: How are Kazoos made?
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Related questions

What is the plural noun for kazoo?

Kazoos is the plural of kazoo.

Which party supplies are best for a small gathering?

Kazoos, and Pop Crackers

What word do you get from the letters zsoaok?

Kazoos is a word. It uses all six letters.

Do they sell kazoo's at the dollar store?

yes you can find kazoos at the dollar store

What are kazoos?

A toy with a membrane that produces a buzzing sound when a player hums or sings into the mouthpiece

What is the plural form of kazzo?

The correct spelling of the musical instrument is kazoo.The plural form is kazoos.

Joanie Sommers were those kazoos in the song Johnny Get Angry?

Yes, but the kazoo performer(s) have not been identified anywhere. The citation of the kazoos can be found in the liner notes to the CD from Time-Life's Rock 'N' Roll Era Collection, "The '60s: Last Dance," which includes "Johnny Get Angry."

What Odd instruments are used in rock songs?

Bagpipes, accordions, didgeridoos, banjos, sitars, congas, kazoos, harmonicas... oh, and Geezer Butler's nose.

When was the first plastic kazoo made?

Hubert A Myers of Toledo, Ohio has two patents on the kazoo from June 1928, and from January the following year. * Confection Muscial Toy: patent 1,759,953 * Musical Toy: patent 1,751,490

What word can you make with the letters zooask?

kazoos kazoo zooks koas oaks okas soak sook zoos ask azo kas koa kos oak oka ska zas zoa zoo as ka os so za. that's all in the scrabble rules.

What musical instrumunt might you hear in rock n roll music?

Any instrument you can think of can be in a rock song. Usually you'd hear a guitar, bass, drums, or piano. However there's been songs with tamberines, sitar, harmanica, sythesizer, mandolin, banjo, harps, cellos, orchestras, organs, cowbells, lutes, bagpipes, kazoos and many more

What do they sell in the store at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp?

Anything and everything. Uniform and non-uniform shirts, logo-ed pants, shorts, sweatshirts, cups, keychains, mugs, water bottles, etc, group pictures, buttons with sayings like "Support the arts, kiss a musician", pencils, pens, stamps, envelopes, KAZOOS, anything you could possibly need.