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Use unitary method. Saif Mehra

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Q: Find An easier way to multiply any number by itself?
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How do you find a square of a number?

Multiply the number by itself once

How do you find the square of any number?

Multiply it by itself.

How do you find the square number by its root?

Multiply the root by itself.

How do you find cube?

Multiply a number by itself and then again by itself. n-cube = n*n*n

How do you mentally find the square of a number?

Multiply the number by itself: 2x2=4, 3x3=9 and so on.

How do you find the square unit of a number?

When you multiply a number times itself you get the square.2x2=43x3=94x4=16

How do you find cube of a three digit number?

"Taking a cube" is the same basic procedure, whether it's a one-digit number, a three digit number, a complex number, a square matrix, or anything else you can multiply. Taking the cube simply means, multiply the number by itself, in such a way that it appears three times as a factor. For example, if your three-digit number is 235, you calculate the cube as 235 x 235 x 235.

How do you find square roots of a number?

find two of the same numbers that you would multiply by itself exp. q:what is the square root of 25 a: 5 why:5x5=25

How do you find the square of 21?

To square a number, you multiply it by itself. In this case, 21 x 21 is 441

How do you find the cube of a number?

A cube is a three dimensional thingand X "cubed" (written X3) means you multiply X by itself three timesTimes the number by itself 3 timesExample:if the number was 2, you multiply 2 * 2 * 2 (3 times)and get 8

What is the standard form of a perfect square?

to square a number multiply it by itself to find the square root start withh your number and try to find a number that multplies itself to get that number then you have your square root ex.)5*5=25 or 25/5=5

How do you find the area of a cricle?

Three choices, depending on what information you have about the circle: -- Multiply the radius by itself, then multiply the result by (3.1416). -- Multiply the diameter by itself, then multiply the result by (0.7854). -- Multiply the circumference by itself, then multiply the result by (.07958).