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A parachute works as the gravity allows the parachute to go up into the air, then the surface area is covered with air resistance.

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Q: Explain how a parachute works using the terms air resistance surface area and gravity?
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Name something that needs to travel slowly through air how does it manage this?

A skydiver - he uses a parachute that slows him down as a result of air resistance acting on the surface of the parachute

Would a Parachute work on the moon?

A parachute works on Earth by effectively 'trapping air' inside of it, creating a large surface area and so a large amount of wind resistance or friction. As there is no atmosphere on the moon, there is no air to be trapped and therefore no friction. So no, a parachute would not work on the moon.A parachute works using air resistence. There is no air on the moon. Therefore a parachute would only pull you down faster. If ur planning on going to the moon i suggest you try a jetpack.

Why air resistance acts in the opposite direction of gravity?

Yes, air resistance acts in the opposite direction as an object in motion. (It's air resistance.) In aeronautical terms, we call it drag. Generally, air resistance refers to the effects created on an object moving through it that in some way work to "limit" the object's motion. The air is "just there" and the movement of an object through it sets up the conditions to create air resistance.

Why would friction affect gravity?

Gravitational acceleration is a constant value for a celestial body, and doesn't depend on air resistance/friction. The value on Earth is constant anywhere on Earth, just like the value on Mars is constant anywhere on Mars. In practical,however, this is different. Air resistance lowers the value of gravitational acceleration.

How do air resistance and gravity affect a falling object?

Objects when falling that cannot ignore air resistance are things like feathers, leaves, seeds, or small pieces of paper just to name a few. Objects when falling that can ignore air resistance are things such as objects that are heavy and compact like rocks or metal balls.

Related questions

How does air resistance and gravity effect parachutes?

Air resistance acts against the force of gravity, slowing down the descent of a parachute. The larger the surface area of the parachute, the more air resistance it creates, which helps to slow down its fall. Gravity, on the other hand, pulls the parachute downwards with a force proportional to the mass of the parachute. Balancing these forces allows the parachute to descend safely and slowly.

Compare the effects of gravity and air resistance on a falling skydiver before and after she opens her parachute?

-- The force of gravity is unchanged before and after.-- The force of air resistance on the skydiver is greater before, and less after,because she is falling slower after the parachute opens.-- The effect on her of air resistance is greater after the parachute is open. Theincreased air resistance itself acts on the parachute, and its effect is transferredto the skydiver through her harness.

Why a parachute descends slowly where the stone dropped from the same height falls rapidly?

A parachute creates air resistance as it falls, slowing down its descent. The increased surface area of the parachute allows for more air resistance, counteracting the force of gravity. A stone, on the other hand, has a smaller surface area and experiences less air resistance, leading to a faster descent.

What force stops a parachute from falling too fast?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is the force that acts against gravity and slows down the descent of a falling parachute. As the parachute opens, it creates a large surface area that encounters air molecules, resulting in drag that counteracts the force of gravity pulling the parachute downward. This balance between gravity and air resistance allows the parachute to descend at a safe and controlled speed.

What force cause parachute to slow down or speed up?

Air resistance, also known as drag force, is the force that slows down a parachute. By increasing the surface area of the parachute, more air resistance is created, slowing down the descent. Gravity acts as the force causing the parachute to speed up initially before air resistance counteracts it.

What causes a parachute jumper to slow down?

A parachute jumper slows down due to air resistance pushing against the open parachute. As the parachute increases in surface area, it creates more drag, which counteracts the force of gravity pulling the jumper down. This results in a gradual decrease in speed until the jumper reaches a safe landing velocity.

What is the name of the force that changes when the parachute opens?

The force that changes when the parachute opens is air resistance, also known as drag force. As the parachute opens, it increases the surface area exposed to the air, which increases the drag force acting on the parachute and slows down the descent of the object attached to the parachute.

How does an open parachute increase the air resistance of a falling skydiver?

An open parachute increases air resistance by creating a large surface area that catches and slows down the air around it. This creates drag that counteracts the force of gravity, slowing the skydiver's descent. The inflated canopy also increases the overall mass of the skydiver-parachute system, further enhancing the air resistance.

What force changes when a sky diver opens his parachute?

When a skydiver opens his parachute, air resistance (also known as drag force) increases. This is due to the parachute creating a larger surface area and creating more resistance against the air, which slows down the skydiver's fall. This increased air resistance counterbalances the force of gravity acting on the skydiver.

Why do you fall slower once you have opened up a parachute?

When you open a parachute, it increases the surface area and creates drag, which slows down your descent. The air resistance acting against the larger surface area of the parachute helps to counteract the force of gravity pulling you downwards, resulting in a slower fall.

How does a parachute and air resistance work?

When a parachutist jumps, the parachute deploys and opens up, creating a large surface area. This increases air resistance, which slows down the fall by creating a drag force that counters gravity. The parachute allows the parachutist to safely land at a slower speed than if they were falling freely.

Why does it take longer for the parachute to reach the ground?

The larger surface area of the parachute creates more air resistance, slowing down its descent. This increased drag counteracts the force of gravity, causing the parachute to take longer to reach the ground.