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A testable hypothesis must be testable, repeatable, have clear cut (or close to clear cut) results which can be used to disprove or prove a hypothesis and, finally, it must reduce the amount of error by eliminating variables. A good hypothesis was tested during the moon landings: -The rate at which a feather falls and a Bowling ball falls is the same because the acceleration of the two objects is the same.- This hypothesis is testable, (drop a feather and a bowling ball and see which one lands first), it is repeatable and the results clearly can prove the hypothesis. By attempting the experiment on mars, the wind resistance variable is eliminated and the feather will not be slowed down as it would on earth.

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You can't see in perfect darkness (true). A round object will always roll downhill, never the other way (false-you could propel it upwards). Two plus two equals 4 (true) Two halves plus two halves equals two wholes (true). you can't breathe underwater without special equipment (true). You can't read this (needs to be tested).

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A testable hypothesis is one which you can formulate an experiment around. In simpler terms, a testable hypothesis is one you can test to see if it is true or not.

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A scientific hypothesis has to be testable.

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capable of being proven false. testable

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yes testable can be a same thing as a hypothesis