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No it does not

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Q: Does the control group get the independent variable?
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Which group is not subjected to the independent variable?

The Control(Controlled Variable)

What does a control group have to do with the independent variable?

the answer to that question is the control group has nothing to do with the independent variable because a control group is some thing in your experiment that has not changed through out your experiment. And a independent variable is some thing in your experiment that you change through your experiment(s)

What is a dependent variable independent variable and a control group?

The independent variable is the thing you change, the dependent variable is the variable that changes because of the independent variable, it could also be referred to as the effect, and the control group is the constant, the thing that stays the same and the variable that you compare your results to.

Which group is the part of a controlled experiment where the independent variable does not change?

In a controlled experiment, the group where the independent variable does not change is called the control group. This group serves as a baseline for comparison with the group where the independent variable is manipulated, helping researchers determine the effect of the independent variable.

What factory in an experiment that changes form the manipulation of the independent variable?

The experimental group is the group in an experiment that receives the manipulation of the independent variable. This group is compared to the control group, which does not receive the manipulation, to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

What is the controll group of the experiment?

The control group is the group in an experiment that is not exposed to the independent variable being tested. Its purpose is to provide a baseline comparison for evaluating the effects of the independent variable on the treatment group.

What is the purpose of the control group?

The purpose of a control group is to show what would happen under normal conditions. It serves as a comparison to the results you receive from the manipulation of the independent variable on the dependent variable. If a control group is present in an experiment, one can be more certain that the independent variable is really responsible for the observations.

Can a independent variable be changed in a group?

can a independent variable be changed in a group

How does a psychologist use an independent variable in an experiment?

you have to decipher out what exactly it is saying buut... participants that are exposed to the independent variable are in the experimental group and the participants who are treated the same way as the experimental group, except that they are not exposed to the independent variable, make up the control group... any...

How does psychologist use an independent variable in an experiment?

you have to decipher out what exactly it is saying buut... participants that are exposed to the independent variable are in the experimental group and the participants who are treated the same way as the experimental group, except that they are not exposed to the independent variable, make up the control group... any...

What is the term for a group of subjects that receives all variables except for the independent variable in an experiment?

control group

Which part of the expreiment stays the same variable or contral?

The variable that remains constant in an experiment is known as the control variable. This variable is not changed or manipulated throughout the experiment in order to isolate the effects of the independent variable.