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Q: Does the case by itself prove the theory. Explain why or why not?
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Does the case by itself prove the theorywhy or why not?

I am sorry but we can't answer because we don't know the case you are asking about.

What is the Open theory of the universe?

It is the idea that the universe will continue to expand forever. By contrast, the closed theory states that gravity will eventually cause the universe to shrink. (I think) In addition to the above. Essentially it is the theory that the universe has no boundary and is not closed in on itself in any way. The shape of the universe in this case must be either "flat" or "curved" to some extent, but not curved enough to form a cylinder, sphere, ellipsoid or torus.

What would best describe a theory?

A theory is a guess at what the result of something will be, based on what is already known about it. Theories will often remain unchanged, unless new evidence is found that suggests the theory is incorrect - if this is the case, the theory will be modified in order to better reflect the new evidence

The difference between scientific law and theory?

The theory proposes an answer to a question, suiting all the best available evidence and knowledge but admitting further research may yet prove it at least partly wrong. The law is a statement of scientific fact that is incontrovertible and can be shown by repeatability of the tests for it.

Though in theory I am always behind you I am also around to remind you but in case it's your way to give me too much say I can hamper or even worse behind you. What am I?

Though in theory I am always behind you I am also around to remind you but in case its your way to give me too much say I can hamper or even worse behind you. What am I?

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Does the case by itself prove the theorywhy or why not?

I am sorry but we can't answer because we don't know the case you are asking about.

Is waves theory explain the love between mother and her child?

I can't seem to find any information on this theory. Unless someone can post any links to info about a theory like this, I dunno. Unless you're referring to the theory about light and sound waves. If that's the case, then no. That theory does not explain love of any kind.

What is an explanatory theory in psychology?

Explanatory theory in psychology is based on it's research methodology. They are also called descriptive theories. An explanatory theory attempts to explain a phenomenon in terms of established theories in a field, in this case, psychology.

What happens if the police cant prove you're guilty and they can't prove your written statement is true?

If the police and the prosecuting attorney can't prove you are guilty the case gets thrown out, innocent until proven guilty. As far as your written statement, you would have to explain some reason why you would lie (you were coerced by the police, drunk, someone paid you)

When Einsteins theory of gravity general relativity gained acceptance it demonstrated that Newtons theory had been?

Incomplete and only a special case of a more fundamental theory. General relativity provided a more accurate description of gravity and was able to explain phenomena that Newton's theory could not, such as the bending of light around massive objects.

Is it more difficult to prove guilt or responsibility in a criminal case than in a civil case?

A criminal case is harder to prove, as the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt." A civil case only has to be by a "preponderance of the evidence" which is anything over half.

How hard is it to get sole custody?

You need to prove to the court that the person who presently has custody is unfit. You need to consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues who can review your situation and explain your options. The attorney can advise you of the difficulty of your case.

What happens in the opening argument of a trial?

During opening arguments the prosecution presents theirs first, they will explain to a jury all of the circumstances of the case and explain what they will present to prove all of the evidence along with the type of testimony for the jury/judge to expect from any scheduled witnesses. The defense can present an opening argument at that time or they can reserve the option until after the prosecution presents their case. If the defense chooses to proceed with the opening they will explain why the Prosecutions case will be flawed, and what witnesses the defense will present to rebut the testimony of the prosecution witnesses.

What happens in the opening argument of a argument?

During opening arguments the prosecution presents theirs first, they will explain to a jury all of the circumstances of the case and explain what they will present to prove all of the evidence along with the type of testimony for the jury/judge to expect from any scheduled witnesses. The defense can present an opening argument at that time or they can reserve the option until after the prosecution presents their case. If the defense chooses to proceed with the opening they will explain why the Prosecutions case will be flawed, and what witnesses the defense will present to rebut the testimony of the prosecution witnesses.

What can evidence provide?

Evidence can prove, or disprove, the case against you.

Can i be positive that my attorney will prove police corruption in my case?

If the attorney can prove the officer's intent to violate your rights, or a statute, your case is likely to raise concerns: if nothing else. If the attorney cannot prove that the officer knowingly and intentionally violated a statute, you probably do not have a case. That being said, you can never be "positive" of anything in the justice system.

What does ''theory'' mean?

An idea/ postulation regarding an unsubstantiated observation or situation. In short a theory is like having a suspicion about something, but not enough evidence to say whether it is true or not. For example: If someone steals something from your cupboard, you may not have seen it happen, but you may well suspect someone of doing it; essentially this is a theory until such time as you have some facts or evidence to prove the case. You may have a number of theories, and not just one. The same thing happens in various fields of research, scientists may have a suspicion or theory about a particular occurrence/ event/ particle/ microbe/ planet etc. They base their theory on reasonable deduction as well as the evidence at hand. They may then devise experiments (if possible) to prove or disprove the theory.