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The acids in soda clean off coins.

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Q: Does soda clean a penny
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Will baking soda clean a penny?

yes stupid

Why wont soda clean a penny as good as vinegar?

Vinegar is acid.. Soda is sugar and carbonation.

Can baking soda clean a penny?

Yes, baking soda can be used to clean a penny. When mixed with water, baking soda forms a paste that can help remove dirt and tarnish from the surface of the penny. However, it is important to gently rub the penny to avoid scratching or damaging it.

How long does it take to clean pennys?

It takes 5 minutes to clean a penny with soda C:

How long do you soak a penny in soda to get it clean?

Soaking a penny in soda can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to get it clean, depending on the level of tarnish. It's best to check the penny periodically while soaking to see if it has reached the desired level of cleanliness.

What kind of juice will clean pennies better?

soda. keep em' in there 4 a week and u have a clean penny

What will happen if you put a dirty penny in a cup of soda?

The soda's acidity may cause some of the dirt and tarnish on the penny to dissolve, making the penny appear cleaner. However, the soda could also leave a sticky residue or discoloration on the penny due to the sugar content. It's not recommended to put coins in soda as the acidity can damage them over time.

What happens when you drop a penny in soda?

If you leave it there for some time like a day or so it will become clean.

What liquid can clean a penny better?

A mixture of vinegar and salt or lemon juice and salt can effectively clean a penny by removing oxidation and dirt. These acids help dissolve the tarnish and reveal the shiny copper surface of the penny.

What effect does soda have on a penny?

Soda contains acids that can corrode the surface of a penny, removing the protective copper oxide layer and causing it to tarnish or even dissolve over time. This reaction is due to the acidic nature of the soda and the chemical makeup of the penny.

What is Baking soda's active ingredients in a penny?

The active ingredient to clean up the sulphides and oxides on a dull penny is sodium acetate. It is not an ingredient of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), but is one of the reaction products of baking soda with vinegar (acetic acid). Ray

Will cola clean a copper penny?

Soda pop is a mild acid, because of dissolved carbon dioxide. Acid dissolves the copper oxide tarnish that darkens the penny's color.