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yes they do. that is because when the sperm fuses with he egg, there are millions af sperm and it is highly highly unlikely that the same sperm containing the same genetic information will fuse with the same egg each time. different sperms have different genetic material in them. same with the eggs. thus their probabilities are way too low that it is impossible that one offspring looks like the other therefore leading to genetic variation. hope that helps

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3mo ago

Yes, random fertilization leads to genetic variation because it combines genetic material from two individuals to create a unique genetic makeup in the offspring. This process increases the diversity within a population and contributes to evolution by generating different combinations of traits.

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13y ago

In the human life cycle, the nucleus of a haploid sperm cell from the father joins with the nucleus of a haploid egg cell from the mother. The fusion of nuclei along with the cytoplasm from gametes is called fertilization. The result is a zygote.. It has two homologous chromosomes with genetic information from each parent.

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12y ago

Fertilization is the moment in sexual reproduction when the sperm and ovum/egg unite. This produces genetic variation because the resulting organism has a mix of the genetic material of the parents (half from each parent).

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11y ago

It occurs when an organism represents possible chromosome combinations. In humans, this is 1 of 8.4 million possible chromosome combinations.

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11y ago

fusion of sperm and ovum, each having a unigue combination of chromosomes, introduces further variation

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Fusion of sperm and ovum, each having a unique combination of chromosomes, introduces further variation.

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Q: Does random fertilization lead to genetic variation?
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What are random unpredictable events in genetics?

Random unpredictable events in genetics include mutations (changes in DNA sequences), genetic recombination (reshuffling of genetic material during meiosis), and genetic drift (random changes in allele frequencies in a population). These events can lead to variation among individuals and can impact the evolution and diversity of species.

What does random mean and how does it apply to genetic?

Random: characterizing a process of selection in which each item of a set has an equal probability of being chosen. In genetics it can really be anything or random because all have an equal chance but not the dominant gene. That gene has slightly more.

What is the importance of the random alignment of homologous pairs in Metaphase 1?

Random alignment of homologous pairs in Metaphase I is important because it generates genetic diversity by allowing for independent assortment of chromosomes. This random assortment increases the potential combinations of genetic material that can be passed on to offspring during sexual reproduction. It also promotes genetic variation within a population, which can lead to increased adaptability and evolution.

What would decrease genetic variation in a population?

Inbreeding, genetic drift, and natural selection can decrease genetic variation in a population by reducing the number of different alleles present. These processes can lead to a loss of genetic diversity and increase the prevalence of certain genetic traits within the population.

What are the benefits of genetic variation and what are the potential problem that it can cause?

Genetic variation can increase a population's adaptability to changing environments, enhance resistance to diseases, and contribute to overall biodiversity. However, high levels of genetic variation can also lead to increased risk of certain genetic disorders and diseases, as well as reduced fitness due to inbreeding.

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Genetic variation occurs when chromosomes are shuffled in and fertilization?

Genetic variation is primarily a result of two main processes: crossing over during meiosis, which shuffles the genetic material on homologous chromosomes, and fertilization, which combines the genetic material from two different individuals. These processes lead to the creation of offspring with unique combinations of genetic information.

What leads to genetic variation in a population?

Random mutations in an organism's DNA after reproduction.what lead to variations

What the ways new genetic combinations are formed during meiosis?

New genetic combinations during meiosis can occur through processes like crossing over, where homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, and independent assortment, where homologous chromosomes line up randomly during metaphase I. These mechanisms lead to genetic variation and the creation of unique combinations of alleles in offspring.

Is a source of genetic variation that refers to a random error in the genetic code?

A genetic mutation is a source of genetic variation that refers to a random error in the genetic code. Mutations can occur spontaneously during DNA replication, as a result of environmental factors, or due to mistakes in cellular processes. These mutations can lead to changes in the DNA sequence, potentially resulting in genetic variation within a population.

What are random unpredictable events in genetics?

Random unpredictable events in genetics include mutations (changes in DNA sequences), genetic recombination (reshuffling of genetic material during meiosis), and genetic drift (random changes in allele frequencies in a population). These events can lead to variation among individuals and can impact the evolution and diversity of species.

Genetic drift tens to occur in populations that?

Genetic drift tends to occur in small populations where random events can have a significant impact on allele frequencies. This can lead to the loss of genetic variation and increased inbreeding.

Mutations are a source of what in a species?

Genetic variation, which can lead to evoloution, and then potentially a new species.

What does random mean and how does it apply to genetic?

Random: characterizing a process of selection in which each item of a set has an equal probability of being chosen. In genetics it can really be anything or random because all have an equal chance but not the dominant gene. That gene has slightly more.

How can genetic drift lead to changes in relative frequencies of alleles?

Genetic drift is the spread of specific random variations throughout the gene pool in the absence of specific selection pressures. There's always random variation in the population, but there aren't always changes in the environment for the population to adapt to. So natural selection, in stead of moving the population towards adaptation, might select from that random variation to move 'sideways', as it were, to a state that's equally well-adapted to the environment as what came before, but different. As random variation may produce many variants that are, more or less, equally well-adapted to their environment, the direction of evolution that results is more or less random.

What is the importance of the random alignment of homologous pairs in Metaphase 1?

Random alignment of homologous pairs in Metaphase I is important because it generates genetic diversity by allowing for independent assortment of chromosomes. This random assortment increases the potential combinations of genetic material that can be passed on to offspring during sexual reproduction. It also promotes genetic variation within a population, which can lead to increased adaptability and evolution.

What tends to increase genetic variation in a population?

Genetic variation is the total amount of genetic diversity present within a species or population. The amount of genetic variation in a population will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the population, the type of reproduction, and environmental influences. The primary way to increase genetic variation in a population is through mutation. Mutations are random changes in the genetic code that can lead to new traits or characteristics. Mutations can be caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to radiation or chemicals, or they can occur spontaneously. Mutations can be beneficial, neutral, or detrimental to the organism, but they do lead to increased genetic variation. Another way to increase genetic variation in a population is through migration. When individuals from different populations mate, they bring with them different alleles from their home population, increasing the genetic diversity of the new population. This is especially important for populations that are geographically isolated, such as island populations. Another factor that can increase genetic variation is sexual selection. This is the process by which individuals select mates based on certain desired traits. This can lead to an increase in the number of different alleles in the population, as individuals with certain traits will be more likely to reproduce. Finally, gene flow is a process that can increase genetic variation in a population. Gene flow is when individuals from one population move to another population and mate with individuals in the new population. This can bring in alleles from the original population, increasing the genetic diversity of the new population. Overall, while mutation, migration, sexual selection, and gene flow are all important factors in increasing genetic variation in a population, it is important to note that genetic variation can also be decreased by inbreeding and genetic drift. Inbreeding is when individuals mate with close relatives, reducing the number of alleles in the population and leading to decreased genetic variation. Genetic drift is when random fluctuations in allele frequencies occur due to a small population size, leading to decreased genetic variation. Therefore, it is important to consider all of these factors when trying to increase genetic variation in a population.

How do genes control variation within a species?

Genes control variation within a species through the expression of different traits. Variations in genes lead to differences in physical characteristics and behaviors among individuals. This genetic diversity within a population is important for adaptation to changing environments and for the evolution of species.