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It's all empirical (trial and error data collection) until you're old enough to have a conversation.

(And some people never do get to the part where they begin to understand the world as more than a collection of arbitrary rules.)

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Q: Does learning about the world starts with memorizing scientific laws and theories?
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Is it true or false that learning the natural world starts with memorizing scientific laws and theories?

Learning in the natural world does not start with memorizing scientific laws and theories. It starts with the child exploring those facts while playing.

Is it true thatLearning about the natural world starts with memorizing scientific laws and theories?

It doesn't have to.

Is it true that Learning about the natural world starts with memorizing scientific laws and theories?

No! I would think that is the single worst way to start learning about the natural world. The way to start is to foster curiosity. Memorizing laws and theories kills curiosity faster than heat kills Frosty. Being curious about something, then observing patterns in it, and then seeing that patterns can be formulated into ideas-- now that's not so bad.

What is scientific theories differ from scientific laws?

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Who made science rules?

The scientific method and the protocols of science were made by many scientists over time. Most of these "rules" came from the "fathers" of science.Now if you mean scientific laws, they are an innate part of nature, and scientists only discover those. It all starts with an educated guess (hypothesis). From there, you can form theories about how things work based on the evidence obtained by experimentation. If the theories withstand the test of time, then they are considered scientific law.

How does scientific inquiry start?

Scientific inquiry starts with curiosity. It starts with wondering why or how something happens or with asking questions about the properties of things. Scientific inquiry can begin with a question as big as what forces hold everything in the universe together, or as specific as what would happen if I mutate this particular gene in this particular organism.

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Learning Laughing

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Taxonomy is scientific and it starts with a T.

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