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High pH is Basic. Low pH is Acidic. When you eat food, your body reacts by releasing histamine which activates proton pumps to essentially pump hydrochloric acid into your stomach, thus making the stomach acidic and lowering the pH. The food will be more basic than what is in the stomach. So, eating food will cause the body to react and produce acid lowering the pH in the stomach, but the food itself would act as a base or buffer effectively raising the pH of the stomach (slightly). You will also note that some foods are slightly acidic and others are slightly basic, or they are metabolized into acidic or basic components. This, of course, still is far more basic than the stomach acids. Your kidneys will regulate the overall pH of your body.

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Q: Does ingested food raise PH of the stomach content?
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What body part stores and breaks down food?

It is most likely the the stomach since the intestines do not break down food. The stomach is filled with extremely strong acids that are powerful enough to dissolve razor blades whole. The food drops into our stomachs and immediately breaks down. Then the stomach passes what is left through the Pyloric Sphincter (the wall passage between stomach and small intestine). The small intestine then absorbs all the nutrients through the villi (small hairlike cells on the inner intestine walls). Once the food reaches the large intestine, bile is added to the food, turning it into our stool, while absorbing liquids and salts from the product. Then the food leaves our bodies, only so we can obtain more.

What acid is in your stomach that helps break down food?

Stomach acid helps break down food because it contains enzymes, which are like "cutting tools" for certain food particles.The acid itself does not break the food down, it is the biological enzymes floating around inside the acid that break the food down.The only reason the stomach is acidic is because the enzymes in the stomach work more effectively at a lower pH.

Where does the food turn to liquid form?

The stomach is a J-shaped organ that mixes food with acid and enzymes to produce a soupy liquid, called chime, that then moves into the small intestine for further digestion and absorption of nutrients.

What keeps food from sliding back into your mouth?

what stops food from sliding up from your stomach when your standing your head

An early invention that helped raise food production in agricultural societies was .?


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What is the cardiac portion of the stomach?

The cardiac portion of the stomach stores the ingested food.

Which organ sterilizes ingested food?

The stomach, through the secretion of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, plays a key role in sterilizing ingested food by killing bacteria and other pathogens. This helps to protect the body from potential infections caused by ingested microorganisms.

What is ingested means?

A synonym for this would be "swallowed". "He ingested the pill" equates to "He swallowed the pill".

What step in the digestive process represents a chemical change in food?

From the moment ingested food is exposed to saliva to acids in the stomach until it is absorbed into the blood in the stomach or intestines different food products are undergoing chemical change.

Where is energy content of food stored?

It is essentially chemical energy, which is released when the food is digested in the stomach

What is the specific measure of the ability of food to raise blood sugar?

Glycemic Index: A measure of the rate at which an ingested food causes the leel of glucose in the blood to rise.

Dome shaped portion of the stomach just beneath the diaphragm?

The dome-shaped portion of the stomach just beneath the diaphragm is called the fundus. It is located in the upper left portion of the stomach and is responsible for storing and mixing ingested food before releasing it into the rest of the stomach for digestion.

What is the pH of your stomach?

The pH of the stomach is typically around 1.5 to 3.5, due to the presence of hydrochloric acid that helps in digestion. This acidic environment is necessary for breaking down food and killing harmful microorganisms that may be ingested with food.

Is the esophagus the muscular tube through which ingested food passes from the pharynx to the stomach?

The esophagus is the muscular tube that allows for food to go from the mouth to the stomach. The trachea is the cartilagenous tube that allows air to go from the mouth to the lungs.

Where After food is ingested where does it go?

goes down your esophagus and into your gut or stomach where it is broken down by enzymes and stomach acids, then proceeds to your small intestines and then to your large intestines and then is pushed out of your anal cavity

What is the function of the muscularis externa in the stomach?

The muscularis externa is the layer of the digestive tube, which consists of smooth muscles. It mixes ingested food with gastric juices so digestion is able to occur.

What pH would you expect to find in the stomach?

A pH of around 1.5 to 3.5 is typically found in the stomach due to the presence of hydrochloric acid, which helps in the digestion of food. This highly acidic environment helps to break down food and kill pathogens that may be ingested.