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Sound is not greater during the nighttime. You are just more wary of it as you are tired and don't want to wake anyone up (if you live with someone else.)

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Sound travels the same in day and night.

since sound needs air to travel and if the density of air is more it travels faster but the difference is small.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

It is because at higher temperatures, molecules are more energetic and ... thus, sound waves can travel faster through warmer air that cold air in winter.

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Q: Does a sound travel faster at night or during the day?
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Why sound travels faster during night time?

Sound typically travels faster at night because the air is cooler and more dense, allowing sound waves to propagate more efficiently. In addition, the ground is often cooler at night which can help sound waves to travel farther without being absorbed or scattered as much. This combination of factors contributes to faster sound transmission during nighttime.

Would a barking dog produce sound wave that travel faster during day or at night?

The speed of sound waves is dependent on the temperature of the medium they are traveling through. During the day, the temperature is typically warmer, which results in faster sound wave propagation compared to at night when temperatures are cooler. Therefore, a barking dog would produce sound waves that travel faster during the day than at night.

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NO they can not travel faster than sound in thunder and lightning

Does sound travel faster in air in the summer or in the winter?

Sound travels faster in warmer air because the speed of sound is directly proportional to the square root of the air temperature. In general, air is warmer in the summer than in the winter, which results in faster sound propagation during summer months.

Does sound travel faster in air in summer or in winter?

Sound typically travels faster in warm air, such as during summer, due to warmer temperatures causing air molecules to move more quickly. In colder air, such as during winter, sound travels slower as the molecules are slower.

What type of air does sound travel faster in?

Sound travels faster in moist air

Will sound travel faster at 58c or 88c?

Sound travels faster in a medium at a higher temperature. Therefore, sound will travel faster at 88 degrees Celsius compared to 58 degrees Celsius.

Does sound travel faster in the air or water?

Sound travels faster in water thanin air.

Does sound travel faster or slower in a vacuum?

Sound cannot travel in a vacuum at all.

Does sound travel faster through a solid or water?

sound travel faster through soled because of tighter packed particles

Does sound travel faster through maple syrup or sand?

The denser the material the faster sound will travel. Maple syrup is denser then sand.

In Which substance will sound travel faster?

Sound travels faster in solids compared to liquids and gases. This is because the molecules in solids are closely packed together, allowing sound waves to travel more efficiently through them. In general, the denser the substance, the faster sound will travel through it.