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Q: Does a hypothesis have to be proven correct?
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How do scientists decide whether or not to reject or accept a hypothesis?

if the hypothesis is proven to be correct or incorrect

A scientist on television states that a hypothesis cannot be proven Access why this statement is correct?

This statement is correct because a hypothesis is a proposed explanation that has not been validated through experimentation and evidence. Scientific inquiry aims to test and gather evidence to support or reject a hypothesis, rather than proving it true. It is always possible for new evidence or data to emerge that could challenge or refine a hypothesis.

What does it mean if a scientist fails to rejects a hypothesis?

the hypothesis has not been proven wrong.

When using a scientific method what is always assumed correct until proven wrong?

in the scientific method the hypothesis is always assumed correct until proven wrong by the experiment that is being performed

Why can a hypothesis never be proven?

It can be proven, you have to do at least 3 experiments to prove your hypothesis.

What happens if the hypothesis can not be proven?

A hypothesis is only a guess, it doesn't matter if i cant be proven

Can a hypothesis be proven correct?

In science terms, a hypothesis can only be proven "not wrong". The way it works is that scientists, including the one who stated the hypothesis, try their hardest to demonstrate that the given hypothesis is wrong. If they are successful, then the hypothesis is discarded. If, after many tries, no one can prove the hypothesis is wrong, then it might attain the glorious status of a Theory. As an example, look at the hypothesis of global warming. Almost everyone is running around trying to prove it correct. There are very few following the true scientific process of trying to prove it wrong.

When are hypothesis supported in science?

Hypothesis are theories which are yet to be proven. They are proven when they are proved to be true as in experiments.

What will a hypothesis become if its is supported by repeated experimentation?

A scientific theory

Is the null hypothesis considered correct until proven otherwise?

No. The null hypothesis is not considered correct. It is an assumption, and hypothesis testing is a consistent meand of determining whether the data is sufficiently strong to say that it may be untrue. The data either supports the alternative hypothesis or it fails to reject it. See examples in links. Also note this quote from Wikipedia: "Statistical hypothesis testing is used to make a decision about whether the data contradicts the null hypothesis: this is called significance testing. A null hypothesis is never proven by such methods, as the absence of evidence against the null hypothesis does not establish it."

What is a valid scientific hypothesis?

this is the final or proven hypothesis

Can a hypothesis be proven true?

No. A hypothesis is an educated guess, based on observation. Usually, a hypothesis can be supported or refuted through experimentation or more observation. A hypothesis can be disproven, but not proven to be true.