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Yes, for instance the San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault and the famous San Fransisco earthquake happened on it. However in a pure transform fault movement, there is little or no vertical displacement and in some instances transform faults may move by a process of slow creep causing only minor earthquake swarms instead of big jolts.

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It changes it because when the plates push together it might a sort of shaking and when the plates collide they either go up or down pushing on earths crust making a earthquake.

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10y ago

No. In a transform fault, the two fault blocks slide horizontally against one another. In a normal fault the two fault blocks pull apart and the top block (hanging wall) slides downward.

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shearing forces

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Q: Do transform faults cause earthquakes
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How can scientists map hidden faults?

By studying how the earth's crust reacts to earthquakes, volcanoes, or underground explosions and the like.

What do scientists hope to learn by collecting information about friction along faults?

Predicting when earthquakes will happen and when volcanoes will erupt

Tectonic plates forming a transform boundary may move only a few centimeters each year can even this small movement affect people and communities living near a transform boundary?

When tectonic plates slide past each other, the movement may cause earthquakes, which might injure people or damage property in a community.

Tensional forces cause what kind of fault?

In the extreme tension forces can cause local vulcanism. At a local level it may create fault block mountains. Over larger landscapes, it creates Rift Valleys such as the giant one in East Africa today.

What happens when a fault moves suddenly?

Faults are breaks in the crust where the crust has moved. The types of dip-slip faults are normal and reverse faults. In both of these, the movement is along the slope of the fault. Sudden movements along these faults can produce fault scarps. Layers of rock being misaligned is evidence of fault movement. Fault creep is caused by slow movement along the fault.In a normal fault, the plates are moving away from each other. This is due to tension. When the fault moves, the footwall rises relative to the hanging wall. Normal faults occur at divergent boundaries, such as ocean ridges. Normal faults can produce fault-block mountains.In a reverse fault, the plates are moving towards each other. This is due to compression. Here, the footwall falls relative to the hanging wall. A thrust fault is a special type of reverse fault, where the angle is shallow. Reverse faults occur at convergent boundaries, like subduction zones.A strike-slip fault is where the two plates move horizontally past each other. The force between them is called shearing. This type of fault is often called a transform fault, because they occur at transform boundaries.

Related questions

What type of fault causes earthquakes?

Earthquakes are typically caused by movement along a fault line, which is a fracture in the Earth's crust where rocks have shifted position relative to each other. The three main types of faults that can cause earthquakes are normal faults, reverse faults, and strike-slip faults.

What features are found at transform boundaries?

At transform boundaries, tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally. This movement can cause earthquakes due to the release of built-up stress along the boundary. Additionally, features such as strike-slip faults and transform faults are common at transform boundaries.

What do transform fault occur?

Transform faults occur when two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally. These faults are found in mid-ocean ridges where plates are moving apart. The movement along transform faults can result in earthquakes.

What kind of fault is represented by the eltanin and romanche fracture zones?

The Eltanin and Romanche fracture zones are oceanic transform faults. These types of faults occur at the boundary between two tectonic plates where they slide past each other horizontally. The movement along these faults can cause earthquakes and contribute to the overall plate tectonics process

Do most transform faults produce moderateshallow quakes?

Most transform faults do produce moderate to shallow earthquakes. These earthquakes occur as a result of the movement between two tectonic plates sliding past each other horizontally. The stress buildup along these faults can lead to the release of seismic energy in the form of earthquakes.

What are the actions of the faults?

Faults can create cracks in the earth and cause earthquakes.

What force can cause strike slip faults?


What faults are found at transform fault boundaries?

Faults are found at transform boundaries like at the San andrais fault

All faults will cause earthquakes?

It all depends on how big the fault is, bigger ones will cause bigger earthquakes, while smaller, or small ones may cause no earthquake at all.

What do transform boundries cause?

Cause and make are the same thing and transform makes earthquakes and the eruption of a volcano.

Where do earthquakes occur mostly at?

yo momma hahahahahahah jk it's in faults and transform boundries.

What landforms occur on transform boundaries?

Transform boundaries are characterized by lateral sliding of tectonic plates, resulting in faults and fractures in the Earth's crust. Some landforms that can occur along transform boundaries include strike-slip faults, valleys, and linear ridges formed by tectonic activity. These boundaries do not typically exhibit prominent landforms such as mountains or trenches like other plate boundaries.