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yes they do

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Q: Do birds need gravity to swallow?
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Why can you eat upside-down?

Humans don't need gravity to swallow, although, interestingly, birds (i.e. canaries) do.

Why can't NASA send birds into space on the space shuttle?

Birds require gravity to swallow. Only insignificant amounts of gravity are experienced in outer space, so the birds would not be able to swallow and would therefore starve1. Citations: 1: NASA Canaries, Braingle -;op=0;comm=1

Birds use what to eat with?

Most birds cannot swallow nor do they have teeth, so they lean backwards and let gravity pull their food downwards through their throat.

Why do bird need gravity to swallow?

gravity is a myth; an old wives tale; created by the government to keep you down, man.

Are tree swallow birds nocturnal birds?


Birds that swallow other birds?

None. Its possible for bald eagles to swallow smaller birds. But it does not happen on occasion.

What birds begin with Swall?


When do swallow birds migrates?

it depends

Do Swallow birds migrate?


Why does birds raise their head when they swallow water?

Because very few birds can swallow liquid - the have to let it trickle down their throats after they get it in their mouths.

What birds nest in cliffs?

cliff swallow

Do birds explode if they swallow gum?
