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No. All colors would probably make a brownish greenish mess.

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Q: Do all colors make white
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What colors mixed make white?

All colors mixed together in equal proportions will make white because white light is a combination of all colors in the visible spectrum.

What colors are used to make white light?

All Colors :)

The colors of white light make up a?

The colors of white light make up a spectrum of colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. When these colors are combined together, they form white light.

Which colors make white colour?

All of them

What three colors make the color white?

White is not created by mixing other colors; it is the presence of all colors combined together. It reflects all colors of light equally, which is why we perceive it as white.

Are black and white primary colors?

NO!!!!! All the primary colors mixed together make black and white. Black and white are in no way primary colors.

What colors are necessary on a color wheel to make it turn white when spun?

all colors are necessary to make white because sunlight is white and when you hold something clear up to the light, it makes a rainbow of all colors

What do the colors of the rainbow make?

The colors of the rainbow combine to make white light. Each color has a different wavelength, and when they are all combined, they create the full spectrum of colors that make up white light.

What mix of colors make the sun the color it is?

The sun is all colors, it is white.

What color is all colors mixed together?

All colors of light mixed together make white.

Is white a mixture of all other colors?

No, White is the reflection of all colors. With paint, Zinc Oxide and Titanium are most often used to make white.

When the colors of the rainbow combine what color does it make?

When all the colors of the rainbow combine, they create white light. This is because white light is made up of all the colors in the visible spectrum.