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yes they did

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Q: Did the Iroquois invent anything
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What did the Iroquois invent?

The Iroquois people invented wampum belts

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Did neil Armstrong invent anything?

he did not invent anything but he was the first man to land on the moon

What technologies did the Iroquois invent?

they invented the long house, and they were famous for using microblades for tools.

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they didnt invent anything

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He was not known to invent anything.

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He didn't invent anything

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He didn't invent it. He didn't invent anything.

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He didn't invent anything.

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He didn't INVENT anything, he discovered penicillin.

Did Louis Pasteur invent anything?

yes he invent pasteurized.

What did Lewis and Clark invent?

Lewis and Clark did not invent anything.