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something in a lab that stays the same

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Q: Definition of control in the scientific method?
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What is control in the scientific method?

The control of the scientific method is the results compared to this part of the experiment.

What is the short definition of the scientific method?

the scientific method is the asking of.Question, ther

Why is a control needed in a scientific method?

Because In a scientific method there has to be a independent,controll,and dependent variable. A control group has to be in a scientific method cause ther is only one needed.

What is the definition of purpose in the scientific method?

Its why the thing you are doing is about

What is Definition of scientific theory?

A scientific theory is an explanation of how the world works answered by the scientific method.

What is the meaning or definition of word method in scientific method?

it always leads to the solution of the problem.

What does control mean from the Scientific Method?


What is a Definition of trials in the scientific method?

It means how many times it is used in or thought of in an expieriment

What is the definition for the Scientic Method?

The scientific method is a scientist way to learn about and study the world around them

A short definition for Scientific Method?

a guide used to solve problems.

What is the scientific definition for control?

Being able to take over the experiment - in complete control.

Scientific method purpose step definition?

Defining what the question is you're trying to solve.