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Q: Data must be considered valid for scientists to trust conclusions. Which is the best way to increase the validity of data in an experiment?
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Why do scientists perform three trials for their experiment?

Scientists perform three trials for their experiment to increase the reliability of their results. By conducting multiple trials, scientists can assess the consistency and reproducibility of their findings, reducing the impact of outliers or random variability. This approach helps to improve the confidence in the validity of the experimental results.

Repeating your experiment is important to see if you get the same results?

Repeating an experiment helps to ensure the results are reliable and not just due to chance. Consistent results across multiple trials strengthen the conclusions drawn from the study and increase confidence in the findings.

What about the experiment would need to be changed so that scientists might accept their findings?

To increase acceptance of findings, scientists could ensure proper controls are in place to rule out confounding variables, replicate the experiment multiple times to establish consistency, and report results transparently with clear methodology and statistical analysis. Additionally, involving peer review by independent experts can help assess the rigor and validity of the experiment.

What is the best way to increase the validity of data in an experiment?

Get many scientists' opinions of the data. Measure data in SI units. Carry out two or fewer trials. Record only the most significant observations.

When a controlled experiment is not possible why do scientist try to identify as many relevant variables as possible?

Scientists try to identify as many relevant variables as possible in order to account for potential confounding factors that could affect the outcome of the study. By identifying and controlling for these variables, researchers can increase the validity and reliability of their results, even when a controlled experiment is not possible.

Who are sciencetist?

Scientists are individuals who study the natural world and conduct research to increase knowledge about various phenomena. They use the scientific method to ask questions, form hypotheses, collect data, analyze results, and draw conclusions. Scientists work in a wide range of fields, including biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and many more.

What is an open experiment?

an experiment where the subjects know what is going on. they are not tricked or fooled with any tactics to increase validity such as placebos etc.

Design an experiment that students can perform to verify the prediction that coffee will increase heart rate in daphnia?

desing an experiment that students can perform to verify the prediction that coffee will increase heart rate in daphnia

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What conclusions can you draw about the relationship between a muscle's workload and its threshold of stimulation?

As the muscle workload increase, its threshold of stimulation increases.

Why do you need to tell other scientists about your results?

Telling other scientists about your results is VERYimportant, because this can increase the body of knowledge

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