A noun is a word for any person, place, or thing. A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or clause, or the object of a verb or a preposition.
Example sentences (nouns in bold):
Examples of sentences with concrete nouns:My book is in my locker.The cat caught a mouse.There's a man at the door.The cake is cooling in the kitchen.A new shoe store opened in the mall.
Can't you Give me a example of reality
the grape is delicious
give 2example of melting
this are the examples of collocation........... they are 5 kinds: 1.objective+noun 2.adverb+objective 3.verb+adverb 4.verb+noun 5.noun+noun by:sapphirianx12 ng pequeno ,davao
5 examples of reality sentences
subject verb subject
I was paralized. Just the right size.
An Abstract noun is a noun that you can't use your 5 senses on. Examples: Beauty, anger, faith, courage Example in a sentence: Though she did not want her anger show, it did.
the worn out to every day
A common noun is a general word for a person, a place, or a thing.Examples are:applebrothercountrydogeducation
give 5 examples of infix
i have a routine every day of getting ready and going to school
The painting was so real that I spoke to it.
5 examples of noun
Examples of compound nouns:baseballbathtubbirdcageblueprintboyfriend