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If the car is lighter, Then the balloon powered car will go further.

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Q: Can you give a hypothesis for a balloon powered car?
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Which term describes what happens to a cold balloon when placed in hot car?

which term describes what happens to a cold balloon when placed in a hot car

What is the source of energy for a solar-powered car?

The Sun !

How does a balloon powered race car apply to Newton's laws of Motion?

A balloon rocket lab demonstrates one of Newton's Laws, because as Newton's Third Law states:"For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction."When the balloon rockets over the string, the air being released from the balloon is forcing against the air, and the air is producing an opposite and equal reaction, which pushes the balloon forward. The air being released from the balloon is pushing against the air, and the air is stopping the air coming out of the balloon, essentially propelling the balloon.That is how it demonstrates one of Newton's Laws (3rd Law, to be specific).

How can the scientific method be applied in your daily life?

Looking for your house keys: hypothesis 1.: "my keys are in my jacket pocket." test 1. - look in jacket pocket, keys not there. hypothesis 2.: "they are on top of my dresser." test 2.- look on dresser, keys not there hypothesis 3. - "I left them in the front door last night" test 3. - look in door, keys are there. The scientific method just means proposing an hypothesis, testing it, and (re)proposing a (new?) hypothesis based on the data, and testing that one ... and repeating. So figuring out why your DVD won't play on your new TV, looking for your keys, and so on can all be accomplished through the scientific method.

What force is needed to give a 2000 kg car an acceleration of 1.5 ms³?


Related questions

Who invented the balloon powered car?

There was no ballon powered car.

What is a Lego balloon car?

It is a toy car built from Lego's and it is balloon powered.

Is a water balloon a good size for a balloon powered car?


What would make your balloon powered car go the fastest?

red balloon

What force propels a balloon powered car?


What are the Independent variables for balloon powered car?

Some independent variables for a balloon-powered car experiment could include the size of the balloon, the amount of air blown into the balloon, the weight of the car, and the surface the car is tested on. These variables can be changed or controlled by the experimenter to observe their effects on the car's performance.

When making a balloon powered car is it balanced or unbalanced?

When making a balloon-powered car, it is typically designed to be unbalanced. The force of the escaping air from the balloon propels the car forward, creating an imbalance in forces that moves the car. This unbalance allows the car to move in the desired direction.

How does a Cool Balloon Powered Mini Car work?

A Cool Balloon Powered Mini Car works by attaching a blown-up balloon to the car's body, allowing the air to escape and propel the car forward as it deflates. The air escaping the balloon creates a thrust force that pushes the car in the opposite direction, causing it to move.

How does gravity impact a balloon powered car?

Gravity affects a balloon-powered car by providing the force needed to overcome friction and air resistance, allowing the car to move forward. When the balloon is inflated and the car is released, the potential energy stored in the balloon is converted into kinetic energy as the escaping air propels the car forward.

What is the in principles in making a balloon powered car?

olivia anna

How do you make a balloon powered car go faster?

destroy it

Who invented the first balloon powered car?

your mother pleb