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Q: Can you give 10 example os mass nouns?
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Can you give me an example of 10 nouns questions?

Example questions sentences (nouns in bold):What is your name?Would you like some tea?Are those new shoes?Have you seen this movie?What sport do you play?Where did the cat go?Why are you wearing that hat?Is Jack going to pick us up?What time is it?Does this answer your question?

Can you give 10 nouns you can find around the house?

Nouns for ten things found around my house are:kitchenbathroomdining room tablebedlampschairswindowsrugfoodsoapfish

Can you give me 10 sentences with count nouns?

You can create 10 sentences with count nouns by using the words many bottles, few bottles, and a few bottles in different sentences. When using count nouns they can be preceded by much.

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Give 10 examples of masculine?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female. Examples of nouns for a male are:brotherbuckbullfatherkingmanroosterramstallionuncle

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Nouns ending in -f or -re are:calfcuffgolfhalfknifelifeshelfwhiffwifewolf

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Noun PluralGoose GeeseTool ToolsPost PostsGoat GoatsOx OxenBoat BoatsDie DiceMouse MiceSheep SheepTape Tapes

Can you give me 10 example sentence of proper?

Proper Nouns and phrases include:The Empire State BuildingThe Rocky MountainsThe Appalachian MountainsChinaCanadaThe United States of AmericaMr. President (used as a title)Winnie the poohIBMApple iPad Air