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Bleeding during pregnancy can happen. However if bleeding does happen during a confirmed pregnancy, consult your medical facility.

Irregular periods are nothing to be concerned about most of the time. For a sexually active person, especially one using birth control methods such as the pill, irregular periods are commonplace and can be highly irregular, sometimes giving you a scare.

Bleeding doesn't affect too much a pregnancy test as a pregnancy test detects hCG levels in the urine, which is the hormone produced when you are pregnant. Different people produce different amounts of this hormone during pregnancy.

This is why its sometimes possible that you could be pregnant, even if a test comes back negative, but you are pregnant if it comes back positive.

However I wouldn't worry too much as many home tests can detect a pregnancy within one fortnight of conception and hospital tests are usually slightly more accurate.

If you are concerned, you can buy additional tests or dependant on your area, have a urine sample tested for you again by your local health service.

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10mo ago

It is possible to experience irregular bleeding and have a negative pregnancy test result. However, in such cases, there may be other factors causing the irregular bleeding, such as hormonal imbalances, stress, or certain medical conditions. If you are concerned about your pregnancy status, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and advice.

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