The egg cell is located inside the ovary of the flower. The sperm nucleus is located inside the pollentube of the flower
The egg shell
Gametes are sperm and egg cells. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, their genetic material is joined to form a new cell called a zygote. Because both the sperm and egg cells have half the number of chromosomes as in normal body cells, the zygote will have the full number of chromosomes as in normal body cells.
The ovary is one of the structural units from a gynoecium (female reproductive part of plant). The gynoecium is composed of carpels which consists of 3 parts - a style, stigma and ovary. The ovary contains a cavity that surrounds the ovules, containing female egg cells. Each ovule is connected to a placenta (lines the inside of the ovary). After fertilization, the ovules develop into seeds, causing the carpels to turn into fruit.
4 haploid cells
The female reproductive part of a flower is called the pistil, specifically the ovary within the pistil produces egg cells.
The male reproductive part of the flower
The ovary
In ovaries.
In the ovary of a gumamela flower, you will find ovules that contain the female reproductive cells, called egg cells. The ovary is the part of the flower that eventually develops into a fruit after fertilization.
The ovule is the part of a flower that contains the egg cell. It is located within the ovary, which is the female reproductive organ of the flower. The ovule develops into a seed after fertilization.
Sperm cells and egg cells join together in the ovule, which is located in the ovary of the flower. This union, known as fertilization, initiates the process of seed formation.
Egg cells in a flower are typically found within the ovary, which is the swollen base of the pistil. The ovary is located in the center of the flower, at the base of the style.
gynoecium is the female part of the flower