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no if u did that u would end up with watery glue.

i think it can work but you need to know a good recipe

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Q: Can silly putty be made out of only water and glue?
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What is in silly putty?

Silly Putty is made primarily of silicone polymers along with other ingredients such as boric acid and coloring agents. Silicones give it its unique properties, allowing it to be stretchy and moldable.

Can you make silly putty with liquid soap?

No, liquid soap cannot be used to make silly putty. Silly putty is typically made from silicone polymers, which give it its unique stretchy and bouncy properties. Liquid soap does not contain the necessary ingredients to create a substance with similar characteristics to silly putty.

What is the mass of silly putty?

The mass of a standard container of silly putty is typically around 13 grams.

What is silly putty made of?

Silly Putty is made by Crayola of different types of silicone. It was created by accident when scientists were trying to make a cheap rubber substance.

What does silicon do to silly putty?

i do not know, but i do know that the original silly putty recipie was made with silicon oil and some other chemical of which i do not remember.

Does silly putty have to have borax or starch in it?

No, silly putty can be made using a variety of different ingredients, including polydimethylsiloxane which is the main component in commercial silly putty. Borax and starch are common additives that can be used to create similar stretchy and bouncy characteristics in DIY silly putty recipes.

Who made the first silly putty?

Scottish engineer James Wright was working to develop a synthetic rubber compound for use in military supplies when he invented Silly Putty by mistake in 1943.

How does silly putty work?

Silly Putty is made of silicone polymers that have unique properties, allowing it to stretch and bounce. Its viscosity and elasticity come from the long chains of molecules that can slide past each other easily under stress, giving it its unique texture and stretchiness.

What is silly string made of?

String, Waxing Gunk, And Glue.

What happens when you put silly putty in the fridge?

Silly Putty will harden in the freezer, and will most likely shatter into hundreds of pieces when you throw it on the floor. BUT, it fly all over the place! Don't do that, by the way - I did once, and my mom made me find every tiny bit of it before she would let me go!

What kind of bonds are found in Silly Putty?

Silly Putty is made from a type of silicone polymer, which contains covalent bonds. These covalent bonds result in a flexible and stretchy material that can bounce, stretch, and mold in various ways.

How much silly putty is made each day?

About 500 pounds. Source: The Book of Bizarre Truths.