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Scientific knowledge changes every day. Research is constantly in progress and new information is discovered all the time.

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Q: Can scientific knowledge change over time?
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Why can scientific knowledge withstand the test in time?

It is open to change as new evidence or data is discovered. Scientific knowledge may withstand the test of time if it is true, rather than convenient.

What stament is true of scientific theories?

they can change over time

Scientific knowledge can withstand the test of time because?

it is open to change as new evidence or data is discovered

What causes scientific knowledge to change?

calculation hypothesis time

A theory change over time?

They usually do, as new data & knowledge is gained.

What is gradual change in a species over time called?

A gradual change in life-forms over time is organic evolution.

What is the scientific name for temperature change?

The scientific term for temperature change is "thermal variation" or "thermal fluctuation." It refers to the variation in temperature of a system or environment over a period of time.

What is the scientific theory of the states that populations change over time in response to changes in the environment?

it is evolution

Can scientific knowledge be changed or modified?

Yes. All the time.

What factor best explains why classification systems change over time?

Advancements in scientific understanding, new technologies, and changing societal perspectives can all contribute to changes in classification systems over time. As new information becomes available, categories may be redefined or reorganized to better reflect our evolving knowledge and beliefs.

What is scientific evolution?

Scientific evolution refers to the process by which scientific knowledge and understanding develop over time through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It involves the gradual accumulation of new ideas and theories that build upon existing knowledge, leading to a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the natural world.

What is true of scientific theory's?

The movement of soil or other material from one place to another