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Science conclusions need to be made based off of facts.

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Q: Can a science conclusion be based on an opinion?
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Is a conclusion your opinion?

A conclusion is not just an opinion; it is a summary of the findings or arguments presented in a piece of writing. It should be based on evidence and logical reasoning to support the main points discussed.

What is a conclusion or opinion based on clues or statements from a story call?

It is called an inference.

What is a conclusion or opinion based on clues or statement from a story called?

It is called an inference.

What is a conclusion that is based on an observation?

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When is an opinion reasonable?

An opinion is reasonable when it is both facts-based and a rational conclusion from the facts. A lack of facts, or an invalid line of reasoning from the facts, reduces the opinion to "empty opinion" or "unreasonable opinion" respectively.

Distinguish between Assumption and Conclusion?

An assumption is based upon the opinion and theory of the person who is assuming something. A conclusion is reached by establishing provable facts.

What would be a good conclusion for George Washington Carver essay?

in conclsion ... based on your opinion

What is a conclusion based on observations is an?

A scientist publishes the results of an experiment. Which science skill is this?

What is Conclusion for a science fair project?

It links back to the aim and you answer your question, based on the results you got.

What is a conclusion or opinion based on clues or statements from a story called?

An inference is a conclusion or opinion drawn from clues or statements in a story. It involves using the information provided to make a logical assumption that is not explicitly stated.

What is the difference between opinion and inference?

An inference is a conclusion drawn from evidence. The logical connection is clear. An opinion need not be based on evidence, or if it is, may not flow from it logically.