Dependent and Independent variables
temperature, pressure , volume, are independent density, viscosity, etc are dependent Properties of mater are always dependent of independents. as (dependent) density , viscosity , mass density , phase conduction , etc always vary when we change independents .(temperature, pressure , volume) so you can understand dependent & in dependent
Ex Post Facto (also called Causal Comparative Research) is useful whenever: • We have two groups which differ on an independent variable and we want to test hypotheses about differences on one or more dependent variables OR • We have two groups which already differ on a dependent variable and we want to test hypotheses about differences on one or more independent variables
Is qualitative research empirical?
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication was created in 1999.
Dependent and Independent variables
Factorial designs
Some times. At other times it uses mutually dependent variables (changes in each variable affect the other).
When you do an experiment the variable you control is the independent variable, and the variable you measure is the dependent variable. The independent variable is controlled by the experimenter; the dependent variable is measured. In this case, corporate social responsibility is the independent variable, and the others are dependent variables.
In qualitative research, researchers do not typically control variables in the same way as in quantitative research. Instead, they aim to explore and understand the complexities and nuances of a phenomenon without manipulating variables. The focus is on gaining in-depth insights and understanding the context in which the research is conducted.
Variables in qualitative research help to capture and analyze different aspects of the research phenomenon. They guide the researcher in exploring relationships, patterns, and themes within the data. Variables can also be used to categorize and compare different attributes or characteristics of the participants in the study.
The dependent variable is influenced by changes in the independent variable. The dependent variable's values depend on the values of the independent variable. This relationship is often explored through statistical analysis in research studies.
Ex-post facto research measures the cause and effect relationship without manipulating the independent variable. While the experimental research starts from manipulating and controlling the independent variables and proceeds to observing the effect on the dependent variables.
Ex-post facto research measures the cause and effect relationship without manipulating the independent variable. While the experimental research starts from manipulating and controlling the independent variables and proceeds to observing the effect on the dependent variables.
History Effect is an event that intervenes in the course of one's research and makes it difficult if not impossible to interpret the relations among independent and dependent variables.
Variables to study in a thesis depend on the research question, but common ones include independent variables that impact the dependent variable. Examples include demographics, behavior, attitudes, and environmental factors. It's essential to specify these variables clearly to align with the research objectives.
A good experiment should have a limited number of variables, typically one or two, to ensure that the relationship between the variables can be clearly identified. Having too many variables can make it difficult to determine which factors are influencing the outcome of the experiment.