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Fossils are like the clues the police use to solve a crime. Together they paint a picture of the truth - in this case the truth is evolution

Each one tells a story. Like clues to a crime, where the police don't have to find a print of every footstep taken by a subject or confirm every thing that he did, the clues paint a logical outline of all the events around the crime.

Like clues in a crime the police do not initially identify a person they want to pin the crime on and then seek to tie him to the event - they find a number of clues which identify potential subjects of interest. They then attempt to prove the relation of these suspects to the crime until the trail of evidence is strong and dependable. Usually multiple facts on the same evidence are considered - for a crime it might be fingerprints and video tape and eye witnesses, for fossils it could be carbon 14 and dendrochronology and geologic strata.

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13y ago
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12y ago

yes, because of the earth sampak to the moon banding to the sun into the earth's core to the airport.... and that's why fossil dont have any evidence....... thats all thank you....... :PP one direction

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6y ago

Answer: In short, today's mammals cannot be traced back to the cynodonts. Impressive indeed, wonderful though the series is that shows reptiles evolving into mammaliaforms, and then human, it does not validate the dogma that all organisms compose a single evolutionary tree. Work in this field of study still goes on.

Answer: Yes, fossils provide direct evidence for evolution. The fossil record is too broad and too deep to discount. And there is nothing in the way of scientific evidence to contradict the fossil record. Work in this field of study still goes on? Yes, it does. And it continues to validate earlier ideas about evolution and the tree of life.

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12y ago

Fossils haven't evolved. Fossils are the mineralized remnants of things from bones to skin impressions, to leaf impressions, footprints, shells, tree bark, eggs, and even poop (among other things).

Fossils help us further credit evolution due to the fact we can use them to trace how a species has changed over millions and millions of years and became something else. It also helps us to track when two species became distinctly different from each other and give us clues to why one species went one way and the other either separated and/or dided out, which helps to explain natural selection.

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9y ago

Not all fossils need be evidence for the Theory of Evolution. Fossils of now-extinct species do provide some evidence. When large numbers of fossils of extinct species are examined in context, then the evidence of evolution becomes apparent. Scientists can then see the evolution from one species to another, down to the species alive today.

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13y ago

Fossils indicate evolution occurred as they indicate variations in bone structures of related animal species, and in plant forms and structures.

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12y ago

Fossils are direct evidence of evolution; that populations of organisms have changed over time.

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To study earth's interior, geologist often rely on indirect methods such as evidence from seismic waves, not fossils.

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Two kinds of fossils are body fossils, which preserve the actual remains or impressions of an ancient organism, and trace fossils, which are indirect evidence of an organism's activity, such as footprints or burrows.

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Fossil record: The transition of species over time, as documented through fossils, provides indirect evidence of evolution and common ancestry. Comparative anatomy: Similarities in the anatomical structures of different species, such as the pentadactyl limb in vertebrates, suggest a shared evolutionary history.

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The preserved remains of animals of evidence of their existence are Fossils Fosssils that provide evidence about the past are called trace fossils.

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False. Geologists do not rely on evidence from fossils to study Earth's interior. Instead, they use seismic waves, drilling samples, and other direct methods to gather information about the Earth's interior, such as its composition and structure. Fossils are used by paleontologists to study ancient life forms and environments, not the Earth's interior.

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